Chapter 12: Reading

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Akira POV

I look straight ahead with a dark look on my face. "Akira, it's not that bad," Shirayuki tells me from besides me. "This is the only convenient way of hiding your ears. At least you look cute!" I couldn't help but turn on her. I hiss, "But why so noticeable?!"

If you're wondering why I'm so irritated, it's because I'm wearing a hairband that's wide enough to keep my ears hidden. It's made of black velvet, soft but such a sharp contrast against my silver-white hair. But what made my hair stick out even more was the fact that I was wearing a long, black trench coat with red accents to hide my tail. I don't know why I felt uncomfortable, but it made me irritated.

Currently, Shirayuki and I were looking around the square for a job. We came to an agreement that we would spit the costs, since she was paying for nearly everything. I was looking for a job that I could do while also watching Shirayuki. But while she's an herbalist, I am more likely going to get a bodyguard or mercenary type employment. Not the most ideal, especially since it would be harder to watch Shirayuki.

We walk into a herb shop and while Shirayuki talks to the proprietor, I look around at the books. Picking one off the shelf, I open it up. What I was greeted with was graphs of plants and symbols and letters I could not understand. I sigh to myself. So I could understand their language, but not read it, huh? Maybe I'll ask Shirayuki to teach me to read.

A tap on the shoulder brought me out of my thoughts. I turn around and see Shirayuki holding a slip of paper out to me to read. She grinned widely when I took it. "E-eh, what's this?" I ask, pretending to read it. I couldn't tell her now in public! That would be too embarrassing.

"What does it look like, silly? It's an advertisement for being a royal herbalist!" She says excitedly. "If I pass this test, then I become a royal herbalist apprentice. Then I could work in the palace and one day become a full-fledged royal herbalist!"

I couldn't help but smile at her. We walk out of the shop and start to head towards the palace. My thoughts take a slightly more darker turn. Thinking back to the storyline this should be the second episode, meaning Shirayuki gets kidnapped. How should I prevent this from happening? I already made my decision to protect her, but how? I rub my eyes, trying to dissipate the oncoming headache.

I finally come back to reality and see the palace gate approaching. When we come up to it I see two guards on post, the second guard yawning tiredly which the first coughed at, making the blonde guard stand up straighter. The first guard, who had brown hair, turned to us. "Halt," he said, "State your business."

Shirayuki calmly smiled at them, saying, "I do beg your pardon, but we've come here to see Kiki or Mitsuhide of the royal guards. The first guard narrows his eyes at her as his lips draw a thin line. The second guard peeks around his partner, his eyes widening as he spots us. Pointing, he shouts, "That's her!"

He comes closer to Shirayuki. "It is! You're that girl-" he looks over to me, making eye contact, "-and you're the one with different colored eyes!" My eyes widen with surprise. He was yanked back before he could say anything more. The other guard puts his hand on the blonde's head. "My apologies, miss, sir. We've only just been informed that you two are guests of Prince Zen's."

"Shirayuki, Akira." A familiar voice floats down to us. We all look up to the fence lining the top of the wall, seeing Zen on the verge to hop over it. He smiles casually and waves at us, as if he wasn't looking like and escape artist.

The two guards stand at attention and salute him. "Prince Zen, sir!" They shout as he lands smoothly on the ground. He ignores them and walks straight to Shirayuki, smiling. "Uh, you... were outside the castle? Why?" Shirayuki asks him. I move myself so I was standing besides the guards. They paid me no mind and instead started looking from Shirayuki to Zen, back and forth as they spoke.

"I needed some exercise," he said. "Can't get out of shape doing all that paper work."

"So basically you suck out to avoid your royal duties?"

"You caught me. It was also an excuse so I could see you again." He smiles down at her with an emotion that could only be love. "And now, I have." Shirayuki looks back at him, mirroring his expression. Looking over at the guards, they both were growing red in the face. I coughed, "Get a room, you two."

Shirayuki and Zen broke out of their trance. Zen looks over at me, glaring with a light blush while Shirayuki looks down, trying to hide her blush. I couldn't help but smirk at their innocent reaction. Suddenly a voice calls out from over the wall, "Prince Zen. Where are you?" It was Mitsuhide, and he didn't sound too happy that the prince had gone missing. Again.

Zen looks in the direction of the voice, frowning slightly. "I see you've gotten on Mitsuhide's nerves." I say. He ignores my statement and instead turns to Shirayuki. "So what are you two doing here? I assume its for something specific?"

"Um, yes," Shirayuki stutters, "You wanted me to let you know when ever I was leaving the capital." He grinned largely as he starts walking off. "Great! Let's go! We'll leave now!" Before he runs off, he turns back. "Do me a favor boys," he tells the guards, "Tell Mitsuhide that I had to run an errand." He waves goodbye to the guards as they solute him again. "Sir, yessir!" They say.

Shirayuki quickly turns around and bows to the guards. "Excuse me." She says before catching up with Zen. The guards bow at her as well. I give them a quick nod before trying to catch up the both of them.

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