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R U Mine? Arctic Monkeys


The walk back up to my apartment was quiet. Yet, pleasant. Each of us lost in our own thoughts and worlds. The sun was beginning to ease up on it's heat, leaving London with a light breeze and more shade than I could ever dream of. 

Once we get to the front door, I stop, turning my body so that I am now facing Harry. He has his hands stuffed into his front pockets. His eyes stare into mine, seemingly looking into my soul and back. I shift from side to side, bringing the strap of my purse higher up. I cough to clear my throat. "I had fun today, Harry." 

His eyes don't shift from it's persistent stare on mine. His lips quirk up into a  half smile-half smirk. "Yeah. It was good." 

"I'll see you on Monday? At Hemingway's?" 

"Yeah. I'll be there."

"Good." I give him a small pat on his arm before turning around and walking inside the building. I turn around, once I think he's left, to see him walking down the steps and towards  the road. His lanky arms are on his sides, fitted into his jean pockets, his head looking straight ahead. I smile to myself before I turn around and walk up to our apartment. 

I check my phone to realize that I only have one hour to get ready. Dress nice, dress nice. I rush over to my closet, opening up the door and stifling through my many different dresses. A jolt of excitement courses through me. I was excited to see Chase tonight. He was always so sweet. I knew that whatever we did tonight, it was going to be lovely. 

After minutes of searching, throwing dresses around, and getting mildly frustrated, I settled on a bright pink dress. It clung to my curves perfectly. It had a diamond shape cut out under the breast area, giving just a bit of sexiness to the dress. 

It was perfect. 

I hung the dress on my door as I continued to get ready. My hair looked like a mess. How did I even think it was remotely okay to step outside, with Harry of all people, looking like this. I grabbed my brush and began to run it through the knots and tangles. After a good ten minutes of brushing, it was finally manageable. 

I picked up the now hot curling rod. Sectioning off my brown locks, I waved the rod through, creating soft waves. Finally, it looked presentable. My eyes quickly peeked over at the time. Twenty-five more minutes. Okay. I can do this. 

Make-up application is always the easiest thing. Foundation, concealer, blush and mascara with a touch of lipstick. It's clean and classy. Plus, very sustainable in the summertime heat. 

With my hair and make-up done, I walked over to where my dress hung. Giving it one last glance, I made sure that there were no creases or unfortunate stains. 

The fabric felt soft against my body. It clung to my curves creating a sensual yet feminine silhouette. My feet slipped into my pair of black pumps. I grabbed all my necessary items, throwing them into a black purse, slinging the silver chain over my shoulder. 

I took one last look at my mirror. Everything looked perfect. A wave of butterflies erupted inside of me, excited to see where we are going. But most importantly, to see Chase. A grin grew on my lips, thinking about his perfectly styled blonde hair and his piercing blue eyes. 

A swift two knocks come from my front door. I calm the rushing nerves that flutter up and through me. With one last pep talk, I opened the door slowly. Outside stood Chase. He was wearing a grey t-shirt underneath a black jacket. His black jeans clung to his legs in a mouthwatering, jaw-dropping way. I looked him up at him, his eyes glistening, his mouth stretched wide in a grin. "You are gorgeous," He says. Chase pulls me into a hug, engulfing me fully. He is only a few inches taller than me with heels, so he doesn't tower over me. 

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