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Everything I Didn't Say - 5 Seconds Of Summer


A cold breeze from the sea nips at my cheeks. They flush as a small shiver covers my body. I pull the thin cardigan that I wear closer to my body. I look around the fish market that Tiff, Jaz and I happen to be standing in the middle of. We had made it to Greece last night safely. The flight was quick and smooth. A vast contrast to the few flights I had taken back and forth from New York to London. 

It was an early morning; only being ten past nine. Tiff had been consistent about going to the market early in the morning to pick up some groceries. According to her parents, it was important to pick up at least two packages of fish and a bundle of fresh vegetables. 

The potent smell fish and the sea salt engulfs my senses. It tickles my nose causing me to sneeze. "Excuse you," Jaz giggles. I bring the sleeve of my cardigan up to my nose, wiping it quickly. 

"Thanks," I mutter under my breath. "What is taking her so long?" I stretch my head up, scanning the market for Tiff's brown hair. 

"I think she was flirting with the young fisherman."

"Typical." I roll my eyes to myself as I pull my sweater closer to my body. "It's so cold out."

"It'll get better soon. Once the sun breaks through, you should warm up." I give Jaz a small nod. I hope she was right. 


Pulling Tiff away from the non-English speaking, yet rather attractive, fisherman was a lot more difficult than I had hoped. It was as if we were pulling away a small child from a candy shop. To say that we had dragged her away kicking and screaming would not be exaggerating. Unfortunately. 

As we walk up the steps of Tiff's parents home, I take in the moment. My mind was having a heart time to wrap around the idea that I was in fact in Greece. The one place that I had dreamt about since I was young. Here I was, standing in the cold February air,  taking in the white and blue home. 

The afternoon sun had finally broke through the clouds; the sunshine warm on my bare arms. We had been lounging around the back porch, with glasses of freshly made mojito's in our hands. Everything seemed at peace in this moment. Jaz and Tiff had been lost in their own conversation leaving me to my own thoughts. 

I picked up my small, white leather journal. Untangling the thing strap, I open up to a fresh new page. Picking up my pen, I begin to write down my thoughts. Beginning with home. My hand moves quickly as every emotion that I correlate to my family and friends back in New York gets written down. I then move on to London. 

My mind gets lost in my thoughts. I think about ever feeling that I had felt about Chase and Harry. I think about the feelings I originally felt when I first met Chase and how I felt about him now. I write about the different red flags that seemingly have popped up since I sad down and truly thought about where we are at. With that, I begin to think about Harry. 

A small smile escapes on my lips as I think about the feeling of his lips on mine. I write about the way his fingers felt on my bare skin, how an electroshock shocked through me with his light touch. 

"Izzy," Tiff's sweet voice breaks me out of my deep thoughts. 

"Yeah?" I am quick to shut my journal. These were my deep thoughts, a jumble of words and grammatically incorrect sentences that expressed every thing that I was (and am) feeling. I didn't need for Tiff and Jaz to read them. I'm pretty sure I didn't even want to look at them. I internally shuddered at the nonsense I had most likely wrote down. 

"What are you writing down over there? You looked pretty intense." Jaz chuckles as she leans over her seat to get a better look at my now shut journal. 

Adore [H.S.]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang