Chapter 9

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Hey people! Voting is still going on for my 1D UG Watty Awards so go vote for someone! The voting will go on until next Monday. Anyway, enjoy!

xx Shel

Chapter 9

“OH. MY. GOSH! IT’S NIALL HORAN!” A high pitched voice shrieked, startling me awake.

I glanced around, unsure where I was until the memories came flooding back. The park. The picnic. Niall telling me he loved me. We must have fallen asleep here. I looked to my right and saw Niall still sound asleep with his arms wrapped around my waist. A smile spread across my face. Then I remembered the scream and looked around again. My eyes widened when I saw one girl passed out not to far away from us on the grass and a stampede of other girls coming over the hill.

“Crud! Niall! Niall, wake up!” I shook his shoulder as hard as I could. “Niall, we have to go!”

“Wh-what?” He slowly sat up, his Irish inflection thick with sleep. “What’s wrong-Get up! Come on!” He jumped to his feet and grabbed my arm, pulling me up with him. “Go!”

We took off running in the opposite direction of the girls, speeding up the further downhill we went. Niall grabbed my hand and pulled me along with him, not wanting me to get trampled by the mob of fans.

“WHERE’D HE GO?” One girl shouted as we disappeared over the hill.

“KEEP LOOKING!” Another added.

Niall took a sharp left into the wooded area, yanking me with him. We slammed through bushes and past trees, still not slowing down. Fourteen years of ballet could never have hoped to train me for this situation, but boy did it. I don’t know if it was all the stamina I had built up over the years or if it was pure adrenaline, but I was able to keep running without slowing down until we broke through the brush on the other side.

We came out next to a small pond, a place I remembered coming when I was younger. The was a small bridge that allowed you to cross the water and follow the path that led back to the main entrance of the park. I smiled at the memory of coming here with my mother, one of the few memories I actually enjoyed.

“You okay?” Niall panted, wiping away the blood on his arm from a small cut. He must have gotten in when we were running.

I nodded my head, trying to catch my breath.

“Wait, you’re bleeding.” He reached out and brushed his thumb across my cheek. I hadn’t realized it was stinging until he touched it.

“I musta got hit with a stick when we were escaping that mob.” I shrugged.

Niall pursed his lips, studying my face. My cheeks flushed, but I kept up my teasing nature. “Like what you see?”

Niall’s face remained serious. “No, I don’t actually.”

My jaw dropped and I pushed his hand away. “Meanie!”

He grabbed my hand and pulled me back into him. “I was taking about the five scratches you now have on your face. It bothers me because I’m the reason you have them.”

I rolled my eyes but couldn’t contain the smile that spread across my face. “Three of them I got in a fight with my little sister. I don’t think you caused that, now did you? The other two are from your overly friendly fans back there. I don’t blame you at all.”

“I love you, you know that?” He smiled at me, tucking a piece of my hair behind my ear.

“You might have mentioned it, but now you have made me a little self conscience about my face.”

Niall chuckled before lightly kissing me on the lips. “You’re still beautiful.”

I pulled away from him and struck my most ridiculous model pose. “I know, right?”

He rolled his eyes at me and laughed, taking my hand. “You’re such a loser. Come on, let’s go before they find us.”

“Wait!” He raised his brows at me before I stole his white and blue New York Yankees snapback and put it on my own head. “I want this.”

“You can keep it.” He chuckled, running his fingers through his messy hat hair.

“Alright, we can go now.”


We made it back to their hotel in one piece. A couple of fans recognized Niall and wanted autographs and pictures, but they were in no way as scary as the stampede that chased us at the park. Two of them even asked me to be in the picture because they recognized me from the concert last night. I probably looked like a mess with the cuts on my face and from sleeping on the ground, but I thought it was nice for them to include me so I agreed to be in the pictures. One of the girls even told us she shipped Kiall which was apparently Niall and Kora mashed together. I spent the rest of the walk explaining to Nialler what ‘ship’ meant.

“So, it basically means they support our relationship?” He asked as we walked out of the elevator.

“You could say that.”

A day flew open as we past it and Danielle appeared. She looked worried and anxious, an abnormal characteristic for Dani.

“What’s wrong?” I asked, following her into the room where all the other boys sat around a laptop.

“Look what Clara posted on Twitter.”

Niall and I flopped onto the bed, turning the Mac’s screen around to face us. Staring back at me was a picture of Clara with a black eye, cuts all over, a busted lip, and a cast on her arm. I gaped at the picture, unsure what to make of it.

“She’s saying you did that,” Liam explained, frowning at the screen.

I threw my hands over my face. “You’ve got to be kidding me! I didn’t do this! I barely touched her! Sure, she might have a few bald spots but that’s it. I didn’t do this.”

Niall rubbed my back, anger shining in his eyes. “Does anyone believe her?”

“Erm, a few people did, but we all, um, went online and said it, um basically, that it didn’t get that bad.” Harry said.

Zayn sighed at Harry’s lengthy explanation. “We verified there was a fight between you two but that it ended before anyone was hurt.”

I nodded then clicked to log Danielle out and logged myself in. My mentions had exploded, but I ignored them and simply typed in a tweet.

@fire_dancer: Guys, I didn’t do that to Clara. She’s lying.

Within seconds I had about fifty replies. Most believed me, but a few questioned why Clara would fake those injuries. I considered replying that she was a nutcase that had escaped the loony bin, but I refrained from that and typed in another tweet.

@fire_dancer: She’s jealous of Niall and I and wants to ruin the relationship. She’s 13. Need I say more?

I logged out after that, rolling onto my back and running my hands over my face. “I can’t believe this.”

Niall took the computer from me and signed into his own account. I heard him type in a few things, so I moved my hands and looked at the screen.

@NiallOfficial: Guys please leave Kora alone she didn’t hurt Clara. If you have a problem bother me, not her.

I laid my head over in Niall’s lap, smiling up at him. “Thank you.”

“Whoa,” I heard Danielle say from behind. “Kora, have they been starving you? I can see your bones.”

“Pretty much.” Niall replied for me, running his fingers through my hair that stuck out under the hat.

I sighed, not feeling up to getting involved in this conversation. I just wanted to crawl into bed and go back to sleep.

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