The Spy Doctor

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***NO editing****

Rebecca Triton watched with baited eyes as the young girl she had been reading about for the last four years was wheeled into the laboratory. She looked so human that a very small part of her mind pricked with guilt. She knew what was coming next and it was not going to be pleasant.

But a bigger part of her was beyond excited. The breakthrough she had been waiting for had finally come through. Nicolette was the perfect combination of a vampire and werewolf with no side effects. Well, except for one, her genes, for the most part they read as human and for whatever reason the supernatural parts of her refuse to activate. This was the only reason she had taken this job here, to examine her and figure out how to activate those genes.

When she had been approached four years ago everything that P.O.A.H had said sounded like a dream. Supernatural beings walking among them, a chance to protect her country and species from dangerous creatures only read about in myths.

At first she had been gong ho, ready to work on this project but about a year into the project and after only looking though paper work and theories she had been disillusioned. That was until a small depart from the Federal Bureau of Investigations approached her with a proposition.

She had jumped at the chance to do some real work and she had gotten all the action she had dreamed about with one drawback. She had to be a spy in P.O.A.H and give monthly reports on their activity. She had balked at first but then they had taken her to their facility where she met her first real Werewolf.

This werewolf was special apparently it was from the royal family and rare. Not only did this werewolf have an unusually colored fur but apparently, she could see the future. It was through her predictions that the FBI was made aware of the project P.O.AH. was working on and the danger it posed if it was successful.

Knowing this Rebecca at the tender age of twenty-three took on the role of corporate spy in company that was run much like the white house. Security was tight all of them were constantly and searched and any mention of the projects outside of the company was strictly forbidden. Much she had managed and done it well her only failure was in the experiments she had been doing.

For whatever reason she could not duplicate Nicolette's existence. She had done everything she could think of and finally in desperation she had asked her FBI liaison to get her a live vampire. She had warned that it was near impossible but she had been insistent.

Of course this was all before she got a late-night visit informing her that the project's treasure had been found and was being brought in and her presence was required immediately. She had wanted to inform the FBI about the sudden development, but she had been surrounded by her colleagues since arriving.

The last message she received from them was that they had found a potential Vampire to nab. The only thing she need now was Nicolette's blood so she could study the exact combination of the genes and mimic them.

Luckily, she had signed up to watch Nicolette early in the morning witch would give her some alone time so she could steal some blood. All she had to do now was wait and watch and pray that she could slip away without anyone realizing it. After all she had few experiments already in motion that she needed to keep an eye on.

Later that night

It was 2:00 am when she was finally able to have Nicolette to herself. As quickly as she could she stuck a needle in her arm and withdrew a vial of blood. She wanted to draw another vial but she thought she heard footsteps.

As quickly as she could she grabbed Nicolette's chart and begin to go through the check list. Like the previous notes there was no change in the genes even after all the concoctions that they had tried.

Though they had kept Nicolette unconscious the multitude's of injections they had given her had taken a toll on her body. In less than twelve hours her temperature had been risen to over 100 degrees and lowered to 50 degrees. All in an attempt to awaken her supernatural cells. Unfortunately there was no change other than her painful gasps and shivering.

Again there was a prick of guilt but then she thought of her experiments and the good they would do, she just needed to know how to activate her genes.

"Rebecca? Has there been any change?" I almost jumped out of my skin at the quiet baritone of Dr. Titus.

"Ahm no s-sir, there has been no change." I gulped loudly, I never understood the reason a psychiatrist was apart of our team and though everything about him was charm personified there was something about him that just rubbed me the wrong way.

It was the look in his eyes, they whispered of madness. It was subtle but it was there buried deep if you knew what to look for. I had dealt with men like that before, but those were memories I had rather not think about.

" looks like we will have to be a little more dramatic. You can leave now I will look after her until our boss' get here."

With a quick nod and sign of my name on the charts and I left. I had a feeling that I should slip away before the boss' got here. I had already got what I needed it was time to see how my experiments were doing.

It took me another half an hour to figure out how to slip away but I was finally able to. I was speeding down the high when what seemed like a military brigade speed by in the opposite direction. There was no doubt in my mind that they were on their way to where I had just left. 

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