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So what did you guys think? Nikki seems to have her hand full and if you think she's in trouble now wait until you read book two. Let's just say Keith's past comes to haunt maim and possibly kill our favorite trio. Here's a little excerpt from book two.

Yet, as Keith forced his soul out his body, it was not to comfort his mate but to force her soul back into her body. His soul surged homing in on Nikki's soul and merging with it just as it began to leave her body. Her last memory slammed into him almost causing him to let go, but he was stubborn. With the added strength of Josiah, they pushed and coxed their mate's soul back into its body. Nikki's last memory was once again pushed to the forefront of their minds and this time they had no choice but to watch.

It was her sixteenth birthday, and she was excited so sure that she would receive a party. She had worked hard the entire year straight A's, joined multiple after school and church activities and had stayed away from boys. She was pure, she had made that promise and had kept to it.

The month following up on her birthday she watched closely to see if any secret plans were taking place. She watched her mother, often getting a slap on the back of the head for being so close, but she couldn't help it. She was excited she walked on eggshells doing everything that was required of her in the house to make sure that there was no reason not to get her party.

It hadn't mattered, the day of her birthday came and went, and at first, she thought it was by design that no one had wished her a happy birthday. She figured that they were just waiting for the weekend when the party would take place.

But the weekend came and went one week, two weeks and then three before she came to the shocking truth that not only did they not plan her party but they had forgotten about hers as well. It left a staggering blow after all birthdays were a huge deal in her family from large dinners and extravagant parties. It took her a month to work up the nerve to ask her mother about her party as usual Sue-ann never passed up an opportunity to mock her eldest. "A party huh, a sweetie who would u invite? Who would want to come to your birthday? I thought about it but realized how much of a waste it would be."

She had been crushed it was one thing to tell herself that she meant very little, but it was another to hear it. The hairline cracks that covered her soul broadened becoming streams. She withdrew into herself going back to her original goals, to get as far away from her family as soon as she graduated. Immersing herself in her homework and clubs, she attempted to disappear to become a backdrop in everything so that she could one day just not exist.

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