Chapter 2 - Painting

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My best friend Lois perches herself onto my floral duvet cover, turning upside down and kicking her legs out like when she is in dance class. Turning her head to look at me, she resembles an acrobat with long skinny bones and stretched out posture.

"So...remind me again why you didn't go to the party?"

I sigh and give her an unimpressed look. "I didn't want to."

She scratches her chin thoughtfully and twirls a lock of golden hair around her finger. "Strange. That has never happened to me..."

"Lo..." I warn.

"Right, okay! Back on topic! Actually, can we switch topics? Your weird little bond with Corbin Lewis is so confusing and I already had advanced algebra this morning!"

"We don't have a weird little bond" I frown. "I barely know him."

She simply hums under her breath and snuggles into one of my throw pillows.

"You can hardly talk! You constantly flirt with Jordan!"

Lois laughs. "Please! I constantly flirt with the entire football team. Well, minus Corbin. But that is because I love you and there is girl code no matter how much I want to eat that boy's face."

"You're disgusting" I giggle.

"And you're a prude!" she points out and I shove her off the bed playfully.

Being as dramatic as usual, she mimes choking and slowly lulls her head down to the ground, reaching one last hand out before her pathetic act is over. Grabbing a pillow, I hit her round the head until she grabs one and bonks me right back on the forehead.

Grabbing my leg, she begins to annoy me in the best way she knows how by bending my bones. "Come on, Page! Let's stretch these muscles! Point your toe more! You don't want Miss Emily to smack you!"

Kicking her, I cross my arms over my chest. "I quit dance when I was six."

"Because you're crap at it."


She grins at me before tackling me into a long warm hug. One of her hugs that make everything feel okay again.

"It's okay, Page. I still love you with my entire heart despite your annoying two left feet."

A doorbell interrupts our daily catch up and Lois' face lights up with mischief.

"Clara will get it!"

Chasing her off the bed, I mutter curse words on my way to the door. Standing behind the door is none other than the last person I always want to see.

"Hey there, Corbin! Long time no see!" Lois interjects opening the door wide as I stand there with my mouth hanging open like a floppy fish.

"Hey Lois, I mean I saw you yesterday-"

"Corbin! Hey honey!" my mom calls from behind me making me frown. "Please, stay for dinner, you know that we always love to set an extra place for you! You too Lois, sweetie."

"Thanks, Mrs Page" they both chime in unison, Lois making silly faces when my mom's back is turned.

"Jordan is up in his room" I mumble when my mom disappears before grabbing Lois, dragging her to the living room.

"Uh, thanks" he calls after me awkwardly while Lois shoots me an disappointed look.


After describing to me in great detail how I am a wimp and a prude, Lois talks about a cover teacher that came into her English that is extremely attractive. I take in her sparkly eyes and flushed cheeks with a knowing smile, understanding that both of us know what it is like and how much it sucks to want someone that is out of bounds.

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