Chapter 6 - Lying

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I woke up the next day with a painkiller-resistant headache and an irritable mood. As soon as I walked out of my bedroom and saw Corbin sitting by the breakfast table eating pancakes with my special strawberry syrup, the mood got worse. Sending me an innocent smile and putting the syrup to one side, he listened to my brother rattle on about some stupid football game.

"Having fun, there?" came my snarky introduction.

Corbin stared at me silently as he chewed his mouthful of pancakes whereas Jordan simply rolled his eyes at me.

"Just ignore her when she is in these kind of moods, that's what I usually do. Have fun at the party last night?"

My back straightened slightly and I spoke carefully glancing at Corbin often who simply looked down at his plate and piled on more of my syrup.

"Yeah it was good..hey, put that down! I have to order that online, you know!" I snapped at Corbin who only rolled his eyes and licked his fingers clean of the pink sauce.

"Don't be so rude, he can eat your stupid syrup that tastes like cherries or whatever if he wants to! He is a guest in our house, Clara" Jordan protested to which I simply crossed my arms over my chest grumbling at how unfair he was.

"It's strawberry" I mumbled stubbornly.

"Same thing."

"Did you have fun at the party?" I glanced up awkwardly, carefully looking for his grip on his fork to tighten or for him to lecture me about nearly kissing a stranger. Jordan had always been very protective of me, perhaps due to us being twins and having a good connection, he felt as though we had to stick together and do the right thing.

My eyebrows furrowed when he simply shrugged carelessly, "it was alright. You were careful, right?"

Corbin was completely avoiding my glare.

"So you didn't see me at all last night?" I spat out whilst glancing at Corbin who simply chewed faster.

"Sorry, sis. Spent all of my night locked in a bedroom with a short blonde, if you get what I mean" he chuckled and then went to the fridge to get more juice.

"Isn't that funny?" I drawled sarcastically and once again looked over my shoulder at the blatant liar finishing up his breakfast as if the house was on fire.

He suddenly stood up, wiping his palms on his jeans. "You know, what? Sorry J, but I forgot that I have to go run an errand quick. Thanks for breakfast though...I'll speak to you later?"

"Yeah, sure. Bye" Jordan frowned.

Corbin made a dash for the door, ignoring my glare directed at his back. 

He had blatantly lied about Jordan being nearby last night at the party, and it set my body alight with anger. He acted as if he could control my life and my decisions, when in reality he had no right to do so. 

"You okay?" Jordan asked with an amused tone. 

"Just great" I gritted my teeth. 


Lois invited me into her house with a groan, clutching her head at her obvious hangover. I rolled my eyes and made myself comfortable on her bed, letting out a huff. 

"God my head is killing me" she mumbled, burying her head in her pillow. "I really need to stop drinking. I'm never going to do it again, I swear."

I raised an eyebrow at her. "You say that after every single party, Lo."

"I mean it this time" she persisted and I just chuckled. 

"Alright" she sighed, noticing my sour face and tired expression, "spill it. You clearly have something to talk about. I know when you're angry I am your best friend."

"Remember at the party last night when Corbin stopped me from kissing that boy?" I grumbled, watching as she sat up straighter. 

"During spin the bottle?" she asked, encouraging me to continue. 

"Yeah" I confirmed. "He told me that Jordan was watching and so he stopped me, but this morning Jordan said he didn't see me once last night he was busy screwing some random girl."

Lois smirked slightly. "So Corbin lied?"

"I have no idea why" I ran a hand through my hair with a sigh. "But yeah, he just used Jordan as an excuse. God knows why he always wants to control my life..."

Her eyes glistened with mischief and she hummed to herself. "Interesting."

"Huh?" I frowned. 

She held up her hands innocently. "I'm just saying it is very interesting. How he just so happened to lie about your brother to stop you from kissing someone. Almost as if he didn't want you to kiss someone..."

I threw a pillow at her raised eyebrows. "Don't be ridiculous. I already told you, he doesn't like me. I know that for sure."

She simply shook her head with a chuckle but a deep ache had made its way back into my heart, remembering his words just before he kissed me. If he wanted to forget about our kiss so much, then why was he always around to taunt me? It was like the universe dangled him in front of my face, teasing me and making it unable to move forward. 

"I wouldn't be so sure" she smiled innocently and I frowned, shaking the thought away immediately.

It was impossible that he had feelings for me. 


Don't be a silent reader, let me know what you think! I hope some of you are still reading for some reason, I know I haven't updated in a while sorry...but it should become more regular now! Just a quick little chapter, but I will see you all soon and it will all become very interesting....

Stay tuned! 


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