Chapter 2

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Someone shook me awake as I sat up.

"What?" I asked as I saw the girl who saved Isaac.

"If you want your dad and cousin back come with me." She said.

"Ok ok let me change first." I said getting up.

I changed I looked at the clock it read 5:30.

I sighed pulling on my boots.

"Why do I have to go I kinda need to find my sister." I told her.

"Trust me till help." She said I nod following her to her car.

Ten hour drive wasn't that long.

"How long does it take you to turn?" She asked.

"Not that long." I said.

I closed my eyes I felt my eyes change colour and fangs.

I opened my eyes and turned to the girl.

"Ready lets go." She said pulling out her gun.

I nod as my eyes got wide.

We ran in as an older women came.

"Half vampire half werewolf." The women said.

She grabbed her gun as two others did.

"Go to the basement." She said.

The girl started shooting her gun.

I ran down to see a steel door.

I kicked it opened to see Derek and dad chained up as there was a guy with a gun.

"Your-your the maraweth." The guy said. (It's a made up word ma-raw-eth)

I gave the guy a look that said shut the fuck up.

"What's a maraweth?" Derek asked.

"Shut up don't say anything." I said as the guy smirked.

"It's another word for the half vampire/werewolf. their very rare they haven't been alive for years until the night of a car crash. and there's also a were-coyote." The guy said.

I breathed hard angrily as I lost it.


I reached and rip out his heart I learned that from a special friend.

I drop the heart on the ground walking to dad and Derek.

"You two are idiots." I said ripping out the chains.

The girl came as dad went to grab a finger.

"Found your sister yet?" Derek asked.

"We have this huge roll and I'm here." I said ripping out his chains.

My phone rang as my ring light up meaning stiles need help.

"Answer it they might need help." She said.

"Hello?" I asked as Derek broke free.

"Princess we found Malia. Scott's chasing after her. you have to get here fast." Stiles said.

"Hold on. how many miles until beacon hills?" I asked the girl.

"About a thousand." She said.

"Ten miles a minute I can do that." I said.

"Stiles ill be there soon okay." I said.

Couple minutes later:

"SCOTT!" I yelled.

"Abigail right there." Scott said pointing to the coyote.

I ran sliding on the ground.

Not even a moment later a human look alike of me came.

"Malia." I said grabbing her hand.

"Abigail?" She asked I nod.

I smiled taking off my bottom down shirt and my shorts that I wore with leggings.

"Lets get her home." Scott said I nod hugging my best friend.

We got home as Stiles showed up.

I told him to wait as his father came.

"Abigail." The sheriff said as dad came.

"Abigail lyric Tate where have you been?" Dad asked but stop as he saw Malia.

"Malia?" Dad asked as Malia hugged him.

"You should go tell the station we found her." I said.

"Abigail watch her." Sheriff said as I nod.

"Abigail leave again and your grounded." Dad said.

"Okay what's for supper?" I asked.

"I was just going to buy it. Ill be back watch her." Dad said.

"Kk." I said as dad hugged Malia one last time.

He got in the car driving off.

"STILES!" I yelled to my boy friend.

He jogged over picking me up.

"Malia this is my boyfriend and best friend Stiles." I said.

"Hi. That's Scott over there." Stiles said.

"I lost my shoe!" He yelled Malia laughed.

"Where did you put it?" I asked.

"I don't know!" Scott said hopping to us.

"I got a pair of your shoes. Lets get Malia inside." I said as we went inside.

I ran Malia a shower and a change of clothes.

I sat on the couch with Scott and Stiles.

"Kira was looking for you today." Scott said.

I asked Kira to do a little paper work for me.

"Oh ok." I said as uptown girl came on.

"I love this song!" I yelled

"Uptown girl she's my uptown girl I know I'm in love!" I sang as Stiles poked me.

"What?!" I asked but notice Malia sitting across from me.

"Oh hi anyways." I said as dad walked in.

"Scott Stiles I think you two should be leaving wouldn't your parents get worried?" Dad asked.

"Actually sir my mother died when I was young and Scott's dad left." Stiles said.

"Oh I'm sorry. Anyways Abigail will be at school tomorrow." Dad said.

"Alright let's go Stiles." Scott said getting up.

Stiles gave me a kiss and whispered in my ear.

"Ill sneak in." Stiles said I nod.

Scott kissed my cheek as he and Stiles left.

Dad sat beside Malia setting Mc Donald's in front of us.

"How long have you three been friends again?" Dad asked.

"Eight years." I said.

"What have you been doing since the crash?" Malia asked.

"Good I got Scott and Stiles and Lydia. I've been rocking music and sports." I said.

"Why don't you two go shopping?" Dad said.

"Okay Abigail want to go?" Malia asked.

"Sure. But I have to be home soon glee's on in 3 hours." I said.

Malia dad and I ate supper until it was time for me a Malia to leave.

"Abigail I'm giving you your car back. but no more fights or sass." Dad said.

"Yes totally." I said.

Malia and I got in the car as I drove to the mall.

Abigail Tate -Stiles Stilinski EDITING Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt