Chapter 23: The Bad Girl Says Her Goodbyes

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Alex's POV
I watched as the nurses got everything ready in my hospital room. Today was the day I was to be transferred.

Everything felt so surreal.

A few days ago, I was racing.

Today, I was laying in a hospital bed, peeing into a bag because I couldn't get up and use the bathroom.

I couldn't get up. I couldn't fucking get up.

"It looks like we've got our first visitor." The nurse smiled, letting Christian through. He had a bouquet of flowers in his hand.

"We'll hey there, sweet thang." He mimicked Zac from The Suite Life Of Zac and Cody. I couldn't help the laughter that bubbled out.

"What's with the flowers? I'm not dying." I questioned. He glanced down at them.

"They're get-well flowers, and "I'm going to miss the fuck out of you" flowers." He replied.

"They're Lillies. The flowers you bring to funerals..."

Christian's eyes scrunched up in confusion, before realization settled in. "Jared." He cursed under his breath. I broke out into full knee slapping laughter. Only difference was, I couldn't feel my knees.

Of course Jared would tell Christian to bring me the flower of death.

"This has Jared written all over it." I grasped in between breathes. "Regardless, thanks are in order to both you and him. Haven't had a good laugh like that in a while. No matter how many paralysis jokes I make, these nurses just aren't biting." I stated. I got a few glares from the nurses that were still in my room, packing things up.

"Well you'll be seeing Jared soon. You'll also be seeing Tino... and Caleb... and Nicholias, and Jaq, and Gus. Basically every human you've met in the nineteen years of your existence. They're all out in the waiting room for you."

A large smile took over basically the entirety of my face. "Is Ms. Drangsteviet here too?"

"I'm not Jesus, Alex. Those miracle working capabilities are something I don't possess." Christian joked. He shared my smile. "She did, however, send in the rest of your community hours."

My eyes grew wide.

"Are you serious?" I asked in disbelief.

"Said something along the lines of "as long as I never have to see her again" or something like that. I think she added you calling her a stuck up stiff bitch?"

"Not my finest moment." I admitted. Christian nodded in agreement.

"Well, now that you're community service free, maybe you'll think about applying to the academy once you get better." Christian asked. I saw the look of hope in his eyes, but I just shook my head.

"Racing is my passion now. Dancing is yours. And dancing with each other is ours. Maybe a few years down the road, everything will overlap again. Until then, I'm just content being here. We both know Tino wouldn't manage without my help anyways." I smiled sadly up at him.

I wasn't ready for that yet.

Sure, I was running away from the memories and the pain of my mother when it came to dance. The dreams I had in this hospital bed haunted me. There was memories I had suppressed. Pain I hadn't dealt with. Before I could dance again, I needed to figure that all out.
One step at a time.

I was paralyzed for god's sake. Cut a girl some slack.

Wait, did I get perks for being handicapped now? Like those badass handicapped parking spots? Maybe I should hold off on these surgeries.

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