Light Hearted Teasing

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"Not all actions can be explained, did you know that? Maybe I felt like doing so, is that believable?" Erwin murmured.

A hand somewhat cupped around the captain's cheek, thumb subtly caressing at the tender flesh. Icy blues refused to part ways with his companion, peering down at him with surfacing desire.


He leaned closer.

"Want to see if I taste like alcohol too?" he breathed against the other.

"I know that, but it's not like you. And you have shitty taste. That's more unbelievable," Levi quipped, dull grey eyes meeting his gaze calmly. After a moment, he moved into the touch, silently confirming that he wouldn't push his hand away.

There were worse ways to spend a night, after all.

"And you say I'm unprofessional. At least I don't try to screw my subordinates," he muttered.

"You reek of alcohol and you're filthy. You're disgusting."

Levi pulled a face, but then he reached up and caught the collar of Erwin's shirt, stopping him from pulling away.


"Awee, that's not very nice you know. You're so cruel to me Levi, and after all I've done for you.~"

A dramatized sentence really.
"Who? Me? I'm doing no such thing. I'm merely taking in those features of yours; I'm admiring you," Erwin rebuttled.

Lips soon twitched into a smirk.

"You insult me and call me gross, and yet here you still are. You're not even letting me pull away, so you're obviously not phased, why is that, hm? Ah! Unless..."

Fingers slowly trailed down Levi's neck, pressing into that tender flesh of his.

"'re hoping for something?"

"You make my life difficult, so it's only fair. I pull my weight at least, and I don't drink myself to death."

This time, the corporal rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, sure. If you're just going to admire me, then I don't need to be here. I'm not an idiot, blondie," he said pointedly.

Eyes narrowed at Erwin's words, but he didn't release him.

"You are gross, right now. You need a bath,"

He tilted his head back slowly, baring his neck.

"And who knows? I'm here because I saw the light on, not for any other reason. Whatever happens, happens." he added, shifting between him and the desk.

"I'm not hoping. Just... waiting."

In truth, Erwin made everyone's life difficult. Ahh, but that was the commander's job, no? Perhaps it was a selfish thing. He made his own life difficult, so in turn he wanted to make others lives difficult... or maybe he just secretly enjoyed watching those around him struggle a bit.

It was entertaining.

"I won't deny the craving for a hot bath; perhaps you'd like to join me."


Lips parted.

"There was no need to come up here; you could've just let me drown in alcohol," he murmured, fingers still probing at that neck.

"Waiting, huh?"

Fingers leisurely slid up the man's neck to nonchalantly finesse his jawline, body somewhat shifting.

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