Chapter 14

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The flying city was in chaos. Jo tore down another robot, the metal cutting through her knuckles. The ground began to shake as a jet from above opened fire on them. She took cover behind a statue, grunting as Jo slammed her back into the concrete. She saw Clint a few yards away holding a small boy, standing directly in the path of the jet. She stood, ready to rush to his aid when there was a gust of wind and suddenly, Clint was gone. The dust settled, and everything seemed to become quiet.

Pietro stood where Clint had been, who was now safely behind a car still holding the boy. Pietro looked at Jo and she could see the shock in his eyes. She could feel the scream building up in her chest as she ran to him. He hit the ground before Jo could reach him

"No", Jo whispered dropping to her knees. She turned Pietro over, there were too many bullet wounds to count. Clint checked for a pulse but shook his head. Now, the scream came belting out and the tears flowed freely.

"Such a pity."

Jo jumped to her feet at the sound of Ultron's voice, turning to see one of his minions standing before her.

"Jo," Steve warned. But she didn't hear him.

All she could hear, all she could feel, was her rage.

Jo sat up gasping for air. Pietro looked down at her with a concerned expression.

"I was just coming to wake you, we're here. Are you alright?"

She nodded and stood, trying to shake off the effects of the dream. But how do you forget watching the man you love die? It couldn't have been like the others. There was no way this one would come true!

"See you soon" Pietro whispered kissing the top of Jo's head before zooming off to warn city officials.

Wanda used her powers to make people evacuate. Thor and Banner left for Ultron's lair to find out his plans and to find Natasha. Steve and Jo worked in the streets, directing traffic and people to safety. Iron-man began his search for Ultron.

"So, you and Pietro?" Steve shouted over the chaos.

"If we get through this, then, you can ask about my dating life!" Jo growled jumping out of the way of an oncoming car.

Suddenly, robots began climbing out of the ground and up the bridge. One flew at Jo and she jumped up, tearing off its head. Cap blocked a blast and took another down.

"Run!" He shouted to the bystanders. People began to scream and grab their children.

The ground began to shake, and Jo and Cap stood on the edge of the bridge as it broke away from the ground. Sokovia was going for a ride.

A robot flew straight at Cap and threw him into a car.

"Cap you got incoming!" Tony warned.

"Incoming already came in!" Jo grunted running to help. She took out her gun and shot at the robots, drawing their attention away from the civilians.

"Stark you worry about getting the city back down safely, the rest of us have one job," Steve ordered. "Tear these things apart. You get hurt, hurt them back. You get killed, walk it off."

"How encouraging," Jo muttered as she tore the arm off another robot. She used it to beat the other one to death.

Barton and Wanda dive into an abandoned building as another explosion occurs.

"How could I let this happen?" Wanda whimpers, beginning to break down.

Clint turned to his companion. "Hey, hey, hey you okay?"

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