08| Lost and found

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I turned off my phone and sighed

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I turned off my phone and sighed. Aiden's gone home, Claire is staying over, I don't have a driver's license, and I know literally nobody here. There's no way in hell I'm letting Mikel drive me. Nate can't leave his own party... God, why do you hate me so much? I walked back to the food table to check the midnight weather. Rain. Of course.

After grabbing on last mini cupcake, I made my way towards the front door. I opened the door and stepped outside into the pouring rain. I couldn't see anything really, so I pulled out my phone and turned on the flashlight before I began my long walk home.

The rain stung my face, even while keeping one firm hand on my phone and another clenched into a fist in case of emergency, I felt anxious about being here at midnight.

The rain only poured down harder as I walked on, blinding me to the point where I couldn't see a foot in front of me. Being as blind as I was, I tripped over the root of a tree that grew in the sidewalk pavement, losing hold on my phone. I winced as I felt warm, thick liquid trickle down my knees and on my palms. I sat up and put a finger onto my right knee, then brought it up to my nose. The metallic smell quickly gave me the connection to blood. At least it was only a scratch.

"Stupid shoes. No, stupid me for choosing to wear them." I chastised myself while pulling off my shoes to walk in just my little ankle socks, which soaked up the rain, almost instantly. Isn't the aftermath of parties just absolutely amazing? Note my sarcasm.

I shuffled towards my phone, it's glowing flashlight being the only thing that let me find it. Just as I suspected, the screen was broken terribly. Ignoring the broken glass, I continued my path home with my phone gripped tightly in my bloody hand, my other one now holding my shoes.

After forty more minutes of walking around hopelessly and tripping over anything I didn't see, I was bruised, cut, scratched, bleeding and extremely annoyed. Oh, and lost. My phone was shattered beyond repair, I was soaked like a drowned rat, and really, I was just about ready to give up and go to sleep here.

Thunder clapped in the clouds, signalling another round of heavy rain. I groaned in complaint and sat down next to a tree, using what was left of it's leaves as protecting from the rain that hit my skin like bullets. A thought flickered through my brain that stupid me should've had a long time ago, a though I wish I had before my phone died. Why didn't I call someone for help? I pushed my bloody palm to my forehead and mentally scolded myself. But, seeing as there's nothing else to do and I'm completely lost, I might as well take that nap I've been wanting.

I pulled my knees into my chest and closed my eyes, ignoring the shooting pains, the stinging rain created when it hit the open cuts on my legs. Tucking my head in the small space between my knees and chest, I felt vulnerable and small compared to this huge world. But at least I was warmer. My eyes fluttered closed and I let out a content sigh, glad to have rest.

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