29| Movie

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After a long, flustered moment of processing, I jumped off the bed and raced downstairs. I heard a kettle boiling water and laughter coming from the kitchen.

I walked down the stairs, carefully not to trip myself, and hurried to the kitchen, where Claire seemed extremely embarrassed about something and Nate was grinning like an idiot. I raised a brow as I walked past, grabbing a mug and pouring in some hot chocolate mix.

"I-I mean, it's not like...no!" Claire exclaimed, punching Nate's arm, after he whispered something in her ear. They've been extremely close these past few days, and especially today. I wonder—

"Ahh! That's hot!" Alex exclaims, dropping his mug onto the floor. Thankfully, his mug was plastic. Unfortunately, though, his scorching hot chocolate splattered on my bare feet. I yelped and jumped back.

"That hurt, you idiot!" I yelled, squatting down in a corner of the kitchen, far away from the spill. Nate handed Alex some paper towels with a sigh. The sigh wasn't annoyed, but not particularly pleased, either.

As Alex cleaned up his mess, I poured the hot water into my mug, leaving the room for an ounce of milk. I got the milk from the fridge and poured a little bit in, stirring it up as I quickly screwed the plastic cap onto the carton.


I flinched at the explosion of the not-moon, finding myself gripping awkwardly at Alex's arm. I quickly pulled myself away, hoping he wouldn't notice. But, of course, he would notice, and he looked down at me with a comforting smile. I pulled my attention back to the movie. I have no idea what we're watching-they would tell me the title, but it included a lot of spaceship and explosions and human-looking aliens. I'm not a fan.

Out of the corner of my eye, I watched Alex shuffle slightly away from me, and Claire snuggling into Nate's chest. That's when it finally snapped in my brain. Nate and Claire must be dating. That's why they're sharing a room. That's why Nate invited us. Well, maybe he invited me, because he knew Claire would make him anyways.

The scene changed, and now the heroes were having a celebratory ceremony (wow, try saying that 5 time fast). I leaned back on the couch and closed my eyes, listening the huge furry thing roar happily. I don't understand this movie at all.

"Is it over?" I whined, not wanting to open my eyes and see another weird trash alien from earlier in the movie.

"Yes. Honestly, I can't believe you don't like Star Wars." Alex said. So that's the title. I guess it kind of makes sense, but I still don't like the movie. It was weird and loud. I looked at the wall clock that hung over the open door frame to the kitchen. It was only 8:24 pm.

"Now let's watch a scary movie!" Claire suggested. I shook my head fiercely. My overly imaginative brain doesn't do well with scary movies.

"You guys can, but I'm going to wait upstairs in my room." I said, standing up.

"Okay, scaredy cat." Nate  teased. I scoffed and hurried up the stairs and through the dark hallway towards my room. I saw the 'Brook-sized door'. It was small, but I could fit in it, if I ducked a little. I guess that's my escape plan for when a serial killer crawls out of the TV screen and tries to kill us all.

I quickly closed the door to my room, then opened with a crack. Flipping on the light switch, I remembered how I thought Alex had winked at me. No, it must have been my imagination.

I settled myself quietly onto my blanket on the floor and pulled out my phone. I connected myself to the wifi and selected Netflix, so that I could continue my binge on 'Stranger Things' and forget about all the rest of the crazy that happened today.

 I connected myself to the wifi and selected Netflix, so that I could continue my binge on 'Stranger Things' and forget about all the rest of the crazy that happened today

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