Part 5:Married

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Only those who spread treachery, fire and death out of hatred for the prosperity of others are undeserving of pity.

-Jose Marty

"What did you just say? "The stinging pain in her palm felt nothing compared to the throbbing heartache that she felt right then, when she slapped him across his face.

'Was her father even alive?'she looked over her shoulder still struggling to free from his death grip.

"Now that wasn't a nice thing to do princess! "She heard his chuckle but he wasn't amused not in the least.
He was furious! How could he not...when a woman....a mere woman slapped him in front of his men!
But he knew it was not the right time to show the heiress her limits....there would be the whole life left to discipline this spoilt brat once he gets married to her.
But right now, he needs to go through with his plan first.

There were no words exchanged their after, instead Chandra decided to take the matter in his own hands. 'It was getting late!'
Dragging the struggling heiress with ease, he reached the large dais.

Where the old priest sat shivering in a corner, after all his innocent eyes had seen too much tonight.
"Start the ceremony! "Chandra ordered, dragging the woman, his soon-to-be wife no better than a disobedient cattle.

And he realized it soon enough when he felt the drying cut on his right arm to be aching again, so much so that he had to bite his own lips in order to control the agonizing moan caught in his throat. The barely dry tissues were once again tore down to flow as the heiress's long painted nails dugged deeper into his already deep wound. 'Arrgh...' He hissed, his head reeling back, the fire in her eyes were distinct as much as it was in his own.

"You damn woman! You need to learn a lesson...."He spoke menacingly. The molten fury along with the physical pain causing his teeth to grind against each other.

The young heiress had then stopped struggling as well for she knew that she was soon going to be released from his death grip. 'He have to! 'She dugged her nails deeper. '

She would make him! '

"You will pay for this! "The Prince threatened before he loosened his grip on her. But he had no intention to let it go at this juncture.

"Chief! "He called. "Drag that bastard businessman right in front of me! I will have him chopped into pieces."
He was going to have her either hook or by crook and no matter how heartless he was, it was against his ethics to physically hurt a woman so he settled for what he was best at, 'Manipulation.

Devika then saw the same bald giant dragging her father's limp bleeding body on the floor till he reached right in front of where they stood.

Her body shook in uncontrollable tremors of fear and mental agony to loose her father. His face was pale, paler than the color of milk. There were several wounds all over his body, some which were fatal if not treated immediately. 'Her father was slipping away to death on his own, slowly....with the course of time!'

"No!" She involuntarily shrieked. The prince was striding to her father, his naked sword, glinting right in front of her eyes. "NO! NO! Please No!" Every thought of self respect, dignity and pride was gone in a blink as she kneeled down on the floor. Her eyes watered and she was left as nothing but a crying, sobbing mess while begged to him to leave her father alone. "No, not him ...PLEASE!"

His characteristic smirk was back on his face as he turned around to pick up from where he had left. 'com'on! Enough drama for one night. Let's get married now and be done with it!" He held her arms to pick her up from the floor. But this time he did not physically force her for anything but stood there simply, holding her as the tremors in her body started to dissipate.

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