Part 9: Being weak

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"I would rather fight with you than kiss someone else

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"I would rather fight with you than kiss someone else."


Devika tried to shrug away from his grasp when Chandra told her to step up the paddle and onto the back of the stallion.

"I want to go back! "

"I can't believe this! "Chandra gave her a hard look but not for long because the troops to Maniteek were getting closer.
"For a woman who can try to burn her husband alive and can tear his muscles in tatters with her bare nails, you are a very weak woman, very....very weak."he tusked with an expression so grim on his face that Devika was forced to believe that he pitied her.

She forgot why why she was fighting.
Loosing herself in those stormy eyes that held nothing but sympathy for her, in those same eyes she tried to find the moto of her life? The reason of her living.

'Was there any at all?'

And in that point of weakness the will to fight was lost as well. In a daze of self pity and the burden of her father's words she felt herself being lifted and settled into the back of the stallion and then came the all very familiar sensation of a warm body being pressed against her rear.

"Six of you, race towards the northern hills Now! And make sure the troops depict and follow you!"

And it was just a matter of time before a handful of his most loyal men raced on their horses towards the small hill present a mile or so away but this trek, Chandra realized won't be as easy as it seems because true to his fears- as soon as the army identified them galloping away, they all followed suit but that wasn't all!
A rain of arrows were showered on his men from all directions and he recalled the last words of the king.

"Catch him!"His father had roared. "I want him beheaded right in front of ME!"

And no doubt his father's army was trying to follow his orders to the hilt. They thought he was one of the six men racing towards the hill and chased behind them to reach 'him' dead or alive!

And while he could only pray for the lives of his fellow loyal men, he knew-that the flight of stairs that ultimately leads to throne needs a heap of dead bodies and a sea of blood to create.

"Prince Chandra- the path leading back to the forest is all clear!"The bald chief spoke and waited for his master's reply.

"Let's move then!" None of them looked back towards the hill anymore for they knew, they were as good as dead.


"Stop looking back, will you? "Chandra snapped at the ridiculous behavior of his nineteen years old wife.
From the very start and now that they were reaching back to their encampment she did nothing but to look back over his shoulders as though she could still see the glimpses of that bloody mansion, she used to call home.

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