Chapter 25- Imagine differently?

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It was around eight o'clock, I was at the airport, waiting for Mr Aryan Khan to come, so that we could go together, Zaheer and Hayat aunty were having some conversations with me. Sarah and Fathima were so sad, they were making dull face. I was sad, I would miss them but I was elated for travelling to Dubai, as it was my dream.

I been to Dubai last year when I got holidays for university, and plus at any cost I had to go there to attend the meeting. Yes, you must be guessing what happened yesterday, whatever happened I was still not believing it, Zaheer was talking over the phone calmly because it was Arhan who called me in the phone of Aryan.

But being Zaheer to Zaheer, at first he shook his head then later on he accepted, he understood me , he knew it that I would be going there only regarding works, he knew it,I would never break his trust.
I had wore a dress which was colored grey found near to my kness and I wore a jean slim colored black, I wore my loafers, I wore a fluffy jacket as it was getting cold, I wore my hijab in a simple way and as always a simple makeup.

I was praying to Allah that everything should be alright there between me and Aryan. I didn't want to go there and argue with each other even though he was and still an angry man, arrogant and stupid, I have to bear it unfortunately. While talking to Sarah and Fathima, I saw the entry of the hero,no-not hero but villain! But the way he entered inside the airport as if hero, everyone was watching at him, ofcourse they would do. But I wasn't interesting to see him, he was nothing to me.

Thankfully Arhan accompanied Aryan, so that if Aryan would come to talk to me then Arhan would stop him. I was kept saying to myself" Please Aryan idiot don't yell otherwise Zaheer will-"

After doing all the check in, it was time for me and Aryan to leave. Aryan didn't come to talk to me,it's Arhan came and greeted my family. After that,Aryan came and extended hands to Zaheer and Asad.

"Asalamualaykum!"With that I hugged Zaheer, Hayat aunty,Asad, Sarah and Fathima. Huzaifa was at granny's place.

"When you reach there, text me,okay?and make sure everyday you call me, eat on times." Zaheer said seriously and I nodded to him, because I knew it if I say a single no to one of his conditions, he would have been so angry.

"Take care Muhaybooh (Muhayba)."Said Asad nicely to me. After that Hayat aunty hugged me and then Sarah and then later Fathima hugged me. I felt so sad for not going to talk to them for only couples of days, but it's still sad even if I don't talk to them one day, but I was happy for the one who invented mobile phone because whenever I am, I can call them.

We went inside and again showed our passport. After checking again, we went inside. After a few minutes, we went inside the duty free where billions of things were around and selling. After that, we took our seat. Still both of us were silent, we were not talking, I meant how peace was it when he was not talking to me.

"Ladies and gentleman, for dubai's flight A5,you can all start making the queue to check out your passport, and for the business class make another queue, have a nice day."After hearing the announcement, Aryan stood up, he made signal to me to follow him . I stood up and took my handbag with me. I followed him, we went in the queue for business class. He showed his passport boarding pass and after that, I showed my passport and boarding pass,after that Aryan and I went together in the plane.

After some seconds later, after showing our boarding pass to the air hostess, she showed us our seats. I got to know that I got a seat beside Aryan.

Ya Allah! For Six hours i will be sitting next to him!Really?

After that, we sat, an air hostess came and offered us some cold orange juice. I drank the juice. It was so good. I loved it.

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