Chapter 40- War and Solution.

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"DARE YOU IF YOU MENTION MY SISTER."Zaheer threw the file away and headed to Aryan,holding his collar shirt. Aryan wasn't reacting at all- I was stunned.

"Zaheer! Stop!" I tried to stop Zaheer, he was so angry. " I said stop it, don't you get it?" I was angry at Zaheer. Zaheer viewed to me in an aggravation way. "I DONT WANT THIS FELLOW TO BE AROUND YOU! Did you understand?" He said furiously to me.

"And if I find you near to her ARYAN!I'll put you in a situation where you never imagine of, so better stay away from my sister!" Zaheer shouted to Aryan.

Nothing you can do." Aryan said to him in a serious and normal way. " You don't know me yet! " Zaheer said angrily and laughed bitterly. They both were staring at each other. Zaheer began to take actions.

"STOP IT! Can't you just stop it ? What's wrong in that ? He came to me see yes! So what? can't he now? He is my friend!" I mustered courage and talked to Zaheer.

"I don't want him to be your friend! He is a devil! And that's final." Zaheer shouted.

"Yes I'm devil to the world but not around your sister." Aryan said calmly. I felt it was true.
"Just get lost bloody fool." Zaheer pushed him away from the mansion. "Aryan!"I shouted.
Zaheer didn't let me meet him. Thus,I didn't give up. "Aryan! don't leave." I screamed. I faced Zaheer.

"How can you stood so low Zaheer?" I said in disbelief. "You have such a stupid atrociously misunderstanding! I never thought you would behave this way, without asking the person -the real reason why he wants to meet me, how can you forgot what our mom said us? That always give people a chance to explain."

He was fuming,exhaled a long breathe and asked me- "Say me the reason."He stated. "He came to give me my money for the days I worked, he is angry yes but not anymore, you shouldn't behave this way, this angryness- one day will kill you,so please Zaheer try to understand me."I tried to explain him.

"I'm sorry-"Zaheer went to him.
"You both are friends- okay I don't have any problem."Zaheer said calmly and patted his right hand on Aryan's shoulder. After some seconds later on, he looked back at Aryan and - "Stay like friends only."He pointed his finger to him,he was warning him as well as me.

Zaheer doesn't have any problem now because he accepts our friendship, if he is okay with this friendship then surely he should accept again for me to work in Aryan's company- I have to say him, please Allah help me, only you are the merciful.

I indicated silently to Aryan not to say anything to Zaheer. He was been solely uncommunicative. Zaheer caught me but didn't bother to ask. He was busy thinking something perplexed. I mustered courage to talk to Zaheer. "Za, I want to ask you something."I talked nervously. He viewed at me, he was waiting what was I going to ask him. As soon I opened my mouth to speak, he lifted his right hand to me from preventing me to talk. "That you want to work again in his company."He completed my sentence. I nodded.

I was waiting for an answer, he was taking time to think-I was terrified. I knew Zaheer so well, once he disliked something verily he would never imagine of having a like. My whole body was trembling, there was no one who could speak of my behalf, except Aryan. I prevented him from talking because I didn't want to complicate the matter between him and Zaheer.

"You can work in his company."Zaheer said to me.
As soon I heard what he said, I was extremely jubilant, a smile appeared on my face. I was busy occupied viewing Aryan. He was elated but stopped smiling as soon Zaheer faced him still with the 'Angry look'

Zaheer had oriently say Aryan in terms of conditions, that he shouldn't shout at me how many times I commit mistake, he should respect me, give me extra time for break, whenever I want I can take holidays, and the time I want- I could go to the company even though its late in the morning. And he shouldn't treat me like maid nor insult me.

"And even if you don't do what I said you, still I'll get to know everything, there will be my security guards who'll have a view on you."Zaheer said straightforwardly.

Aryan and I didn't bother to say anything to Zaheer because somehow he did accept for me to work in the company. Aryan agreed. I wasn't able to believe my eyes the way Aryan was behaving, he wasn't that angry gentleman I knew about, he changed a lot.

I decided itself the same day to go with Aryan but rather Zaheer said me something. "I want Muhayba to come early today from the company."Zaheer said seriously to Aryan. Aryan nodded. As soon Zaheer stood up, I behaved as if I had to show Aryan some design from my laptop. "Wait- I be back ,I'll show you the designs." I acted naturally. And poor Aryan nodded to me and was behaving so innocent, he was acting so cute. I concealed my smile with a great difficulty.

I ended up smiling and found Zaheer was looking at me, my eyes were enlarged and ended up giving a fake cough. "My lungs- I'll drink water." I ran to the kitchen and scolded myself not to smile.

As soon I became in the living room- I found Aryan was alone. " So-" I said cheerfully and again ended up being serious as soon I saw Zaheer again came in the living room. " So- are you working with the Prada design company?"Aryan again nodded. "Did you accept their conditions?" I was talking nonsense, claiming it was a true talk.

"I get to go, take care Muhayba."Zaheer said and looked at Aryan seriously. I nodded to him. As soon he started the engine and began to drive, I was busy stalking him. "Uff- I was so scared."I breathed with relief. Aryan again nodded. "ARYAN!"I held his hand hardly to make him stop nodded. We both started laughing. Thus, he stopped laughing and looking at me and led to a big reflection I guessed.

I then realised I was still holding his hand, I was removing rather he held my hand more.
"Muhayba!"He said smiling. I couldn't stop looking at him, I was breathing hard and at the same time with relieveness. "I want to say you something."He stated still smiling , I was melted seeing his smile. I wanted this moment to last for forever.

"Say me."I continued smiling. "Aham- Aham."Someone was at our back. We both stopped smiling-

Oh my god what will happen now?
If its Zaheer ? He'll be so angry seeing me smiling and top of that Aryan and our hands are together.
I'll be done today really. Prepare again for next battle.

Asalamualaykum, Hi, Hello💕
How are you all? I'm sorry I couldn't update early, I hope you all like this chapter. Which part did you like the most? How did you find this chapter? And for next chapter-while reading, do have popcorn and a tissue paper near to you,for precaution ;)

Till then : Smile, Be elated, Take care and Patient.

By : @hijabygirlFa_h💕

Our Hopes For Forever ✔︎जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें