Human!Malachite x reader High school AU (toxic relationship warning!!)

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A/N: Yes, another High school AU, and this time, I used more OCs as your friends. because it's probably easier that way...


Sitting at your group's table, you and your friends happily chatted away, your conversations going from fake rumors you heard to complete none sense and theories about why there was or why there wasn't a god. It was like this everyday, but at the same time, it was always a different experience.

You loved your friends more than anything else in the world. They were the family you had chosen for yourself, and you wouldn't trade it for anything else. You all got along swimmingly, and brought out the best in each other. You had all met in middle school, and got to know each other better after you were all miraculously put in the same class. Let's say after that year, you were all strategically separated to make sure nothing would ever look like how sixth grade looked like. With time, you became absolutely inseparable, until now.

"Oh!" Whisper-yelled Alexander as he looked over your shoulder, "Here comes another hottie!" You rolled your eyes and didn't pay attention to whoever got Alex so worked up.

"Come on, dude! You have a girlfriend!" Said Jenna, rolling her eyes.

"And she's right here?" Ellie added, pointing at herself and leaning closer to Alexander to draw his attention.

The two started to playfully bicker as the others joined in and did their best to make Alex feel bad about his comment. Watching the scene with a smile on your face, you failed to notice someone taking a seat next to you at the end of the table, until Laurence, Alexander's best friend, pointed it out.

"What have we done wrong this time?" He asked, smirking. Curious, you turned your head to steal a glance at who he was talking to, and your eyes landed on a tall, slightly buff teenage girl.

Probably a senior, you thought, and you inspected her physical aspects more carefully. Her eyes were dark green, but seemed to almost glow with some emotion you couldn't quite pinpoint. Mischief? Anticipation? slyness? And they stood out even more with the way the huge white mane on her head sat, somehow defying gravity and standing up in a complicated manner. Is this girl even human? you asked yourself.

"Nothing." the girl answered, smirking back. Her grin would have been scary if she wasn't so attractive. She then turned her attention to you, blocking out what was the start of a pick up line on Laurence's part.

"The name's Malachite. And you are...?" Seeing as how she was probably waiting for you to answer, you shook your head and locked eyes with hers.

"I'm (Y/N). Junior." You told. Why did she suddenly come over to ask who you were? You couldn't remember doing anything special in school or in your community.

Malachite gave you a spine-chilling smile. "I like that name. Fits you pretty well. I'm a junior too."

Suppressing your surprise after hearing she was your age and not older, you silently thanked her and nodded. Behind you, you could hear Jenna, Ellie and Kat groan in frustration. You were known to scare away any possible suitors with your incredible awkwardness. They all knew where this was heading.

"Listen, you're hot, I'm single, I think you know where this is going." The girl in front of you stated also ignoring your female friends behind you. Before you could answer, she continued. "How about we go watch that new movie everyone's been talking about, Friday night?"

Oh wow, she actually asked you out. This wasn't the way things usually g-

"She'll definitely go!" Kat exclaimed, before blushing at the sudden attention drawn to her and sitting back down. "I mean... If (Y/N) wants to..."

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