Right Place, Wrong Time

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Dirt and rock crumbled between my fingers as I awoke, a sudden dizziness sweeping over me. My eyes cracked open, enough for me to see only the earth that I lay on. Pain surged through me as I stumbled to my feet, only for my breath to catch at what I saw.

Rubble surrounded me.

The expanse of the west riverside point of Velaris, my home.


I stood in the front hall, or where it was supposed to be. Grey rubble littered the area, with small stone pillars being the only remnants of a long lost and forgotten building left at the mercy of the brutal weather.

The pebble stone pathway I once designed, was now replaced with dust and rock. Small shrubbery lay in place of the white marble fountain Rhys and I spent hours choosing over.

I knew the layout to my home like the back of my hand, and seeing this, it was an entirely different building.

This was not my home, although familiarity washed over me from the sight. I could think of no reasonable explanation. My gut felt as though it was being twisted. A small part of me recoiled at my predicament, as if knowing something terribly wrong has happened.

My eyes fell upon the horizon, the shimmering expanse that stretched across the riverside of Velaris. Memories flooded back like a wave, collecting to frame a mental image of a pale woman in stained robes pointing out towards me, blood as dark as the night sky trickled from her eyes and nose and she stared blankly into the distance.

What had happened?

The final thing I could recall was of the woman disappearing and her robes crumbling to the floor, and of Rhys' panicked shouts as I dropped to the floor.

I lowered the shield of black adamant guarding my mind and cast a silent plea down the soul-bridge between me and Rhys, but my response was only a cold expanse of darkness. Worry built within me as I raced through the possibilities; Rhys was dead; I was dead; the woman broke our bond; the woman destroyed everything I held dear to me. A never ending stream of doubt flooded through me.

I looked to my gallery, searching for the sea blue tarps that shaded the front. I loved that store so much, it was my escape. Searching and searching, not once did it come into view. I have no clue why I couldn't see it, I had a clear view of the store front from my bedroom.

I recognised nothing, yet everything in this view of my city. It was like everything I knew so dearly vanished and all that was left was somewhat... before me. My mind began to wonder, what about the town house?

I fell into an embrace of darkness and I winnowed to the front of my old home. The front gate appeared in front of me, with the worn cobble path unwinding to the front door. 

Familiarity flooded over me, and I let out the breath I didn't realise I was holding in. At least the town house is still here. Pushing open the gate, the familiar sound of its old rusty hinges never reaches my ears.

I looked down to see a newer looking gate, the hinges were less rusted and the painted wood less chipped. It looked almost brand new. Continuing up the path, I feel a kick within my stomach.

"I know, Baby. I miss Daddy, too." I whispered as I rested my hand on my swollen belly.

Memories of Rhys brawling with Cassian flashed through my mind, started over remarks on how ugly of a child it will be if it got Rhys' genetics. A small smile crept across my lips.

Reaching out, I tugged down our mating bond once more. Emptiness was my only return. Dark, cold and lifeless. Pushing through the worry, I went up the step to the front door.

A Court Of Past And PresentOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora