Life for Sale

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Life for Sale

Do you know what it is?

Do you know how it feels to be priced like this?

This is the life I live...

And it's not the life for me.

So many throws,

Knocked out cold,

Venomous creatures run towards me,

And I can't run.

I miss the light of the sun,

And I miss my mom,

I lost the feeling of living,

When they sold my son.

Me and my son,

Coming from one unknown monster.

But my only hope of moving on...

I've been forced in this too long,

There's no more sight for above,

And I miss it,

I miss the rays of life,

My eyes no longer cry,

So much pain that I have grown numb.

My soul has been shaken,

My life is at stake,

I wish there was someway this nightmare I could break...


You see me like this?

Do you like it?

The way we cower all against the walls...

Why don't you help me?

Blinded by selfishness,

And bought by evil.

And you say you're afraid?

You're afraid?!

There is no one who's more afraid,

Than the broken spirits that are trapped like me.

I'm just fifteen...

I should've stuck to mom instead of listening daddy...

I thought he loved me,

But he instead he just sold me for greed.

My heart beats slower by seconds,

Until it will stop indefinitely.

That is my dream.

Being lost in the traffic is worse than it seems...

Maybe someday this will all just be a nightmare,

And I'll wake up,


I won't have to suffer by hands of the mean.

Once again,

I will see the bright shining sky,

Along with my brother staring at the clouds,

And on the ground,

We'll lie.

And mom will sing me a song at night,

And I will no longer be filled with fright.

But as hopeful as it sounds,

I have to wake from this make believe and frown,

By a strike in the head,

Forced to be a lady of the night.

~ ~ ~

Talented Author: Ch1ld0fCynt4r

She says:

"I went a little different this time. Sometimes these victims are even sold by their parents. There is so many different sides to this, it scares me. And its sad. I'm happy that people are at least reading about it, and learning about this because, we also have to protect ourselves from the human traffickers. It could be kidnapping or tricking, and sometimes the police doesn't even believe you because, the human traffickers also bribe the police. But luckily sometimes, not all of them are corrupt. But its such a small amount that they feel helpless. We just need to find that courage to help these beat these issues anyway we can. "

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2010 ⏰

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