After Ultron.

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"It had been a few months after the infamous Battle of Sokovia

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"It had been a few months after the infamous Battle of Sokovia. A battle which resulted in a devastating civilian casualty count of 177 with an overall loss of $474 billion in damages. Ultron, an artificial peacekeeping program created by the good guys, was the cause. An uncontrollable bot who grew smarter, and faster than the ones who built it," 

"The silver android malfunctioned in the making, it instead seeing humanity itself as the greatest threat to peace on Earth, and attempting to create a technological singularity by committing genocide against the world," 

"The Avengers, of course, did their part, and won the battle as any actual peacekeeping vigilantes do, but at what cost?" 

"Well, for them it was doubt. The world was on edge like a hinge about to bust out of a wall, or like a fire alarm about to go off. The Avengers saved the day, but with each day that followed their "Heroic" light kept on becoming darker, and darker." 

I was flown out to see the newest Avengers facility in upstate New York by Nick Fury who wanted me to see the place. 

So, I took a break from being in hiding, and went along with his request. 

I didn't have the heart to say no to him, and it had been awhile since I had last seen Steve. While I did say to him that goodbye really isn't goodbye, that doesn't mean that goodbye sometimes doesn't feel like a really lengthy "See you around". So, I wanted to catch up with him. There was a lot to say. 

Once the S.H.I.E.L.D. aircraft grounded itself along the landing strip I got out, the base which was plopped smack dab in the middle of a field of green staring back at me. 

The main buildings roof was sloped, and it consisted of a large cuboid, clad steel structure. The architectures white skeleton exposed, visible from the joists to the support beams. It looked almost transparent because of the glass, and solar panels on every side, and it was fashioned with the latest cutting edge housing accommodations. 

"Thanks for the ride, Hill." 

"No problem." The Deputy Director said, her helmet, and goggles still on before once again she took off into the air, the plane creating a windstorm in it's wake, and I shielded my eyes from the sailing gravel, and leaves. 

"Well, look who decided to take up my offer." I heard the renowned S.H.I.E.L.D. operative say, his long black leather coat billowing in the breeze. 

"Well, it was hard to pass up. You're persuasive, I'll give you that." I greeted just as a band of Military soldiers doing laps around the premise sprinted past us. 

"It's nice to see you again, Agent Rebecca." 

"It's nice to see you too, Fury, but I'm not an Agent anymore." I defended. 

"You'll come back." Nick responded, his expression stern like usual. 

"Not so sure about that." I told him, but like always once Foxtrot set his mind to something there was no changing it. 

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