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By the thousands the devastating torrents of missiles destroyed everything

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By the thousands the devastating torrents of missiles destroyed everything. The mass explosion eradicating anything that stood in it's way. The wreck it caused unparalleled to any other disaster, it wiping out all that was.

Like mere sheets of paper the Avengers facility bended and folded, crumbling and collapsing so easily from the homing missiles. The buildings which made up the upstate New York establishment snapping like mere toothpicks as the structures came tumbling down. 

The powerful, destructive onslaught of explosions going off everywhere, ripping apart the lawn coated turf and creating massive dents in the landscape like craters on the moon. The detonation ravaging, annihilating, and obliterating all that once was. 

The hailstorm of deadly bombs reducing the entire terrain into nothing but a smoldering abyss comprised of the wreckage of the heroes own home. The place we had sought out refuge within these past five years. 

Everything was decimated, assaulted and totaled without so much as even one single concrete wall left standing. Nothing was left... Not even a single trace of what once was here... All that remained was rubble, seeping water from the overflowing lake, billowing streaks of smoke, and torn up metal framework and sheet rock. 

It was a wasteland now of debris and carnage... An act of pure wrath from the Titan who traveled through time just to get here and let his presence be known. 

Using past, 2014, Nebula as a tool he sent her into the present so that he could come here through the Quantum Tunnel and eliminate us once more... The past Thanos, who had seen everything and knew of our plan. 

And, once more the Titan came back to blot out the heroes like mere ink on a page... Our very existence the chapters in his book he wished to erase for good. 

"Becky! Becky!" I began to hear my friend call out, his voice muffled in my ringing ears from the blaring explosions. 

My head feeling like it had been submerged underwater, Steve's tone echoing softly amongst the sea of dizziness in my mind and I felt blood drip down an exposed cut on my forehead. My lungs filling with the smell of explosives as my eyes slowly opened. 

Steve hovered above me, him having taken most of the impact in order to protect me and encapsulated around us were exposed metal pipes and wires which spewed electricity. 

"Are you okay?" I heard him ask, desperation laced within his sentence as we realized once more that what we feared had come back, now with a vengeance. 

Black soot fell from the atmosphere like snow and looming in the sky, tucked within a canopy of billowing smoke was the Sanctuary II, Thanos' flagship. It's gargantuan metal form casting a shadow across the whole desolate landscape. 

"Y-yeah, I'm fine. You?" I croaked out, coughing out the smog which caged itself in my lungs, my uniform covered in dust and blood. 

But, before my friend could answer, as I sat up from the rubble covered ground I noticed that right beside me was the Nano-Gauntlet. The gems glinting dimly beneath the ashen gray sky. 

And, I pulled it straight out of the rocks and scraps. Holding onto the piece of armor for dear life. 

"Good, you found the magic glove." We heard the Iron Man chime in, walking over the flaming shrapnel and spitting electrical currents to get to us. 

"What happened?" The Captain dared to ask, lifting me up with ease, my arm draped around his broad shoulders. 

"You mess with time it tends to mess back." Was the Iron Man's forewarning sentence before we trekked over towards a clearing in the wreckage, where the Asgardian was standing, overlooking the view below.

" Was the Iron Man's forewarning sentence before we trekked over towards a clearing in the wreckage, where the Asgardian was standing, overlooking the view below

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Like immense mountains made of titanium, pipes, rocks and junk the cavernous land stretched out across the scorched, shattered plain. And, there at the center of the abyss he created was Thanos himself... 

Like a King seated at his throne the Mad Titan just sat amidst the debris, smoke and fire. Confident and pleased with his destruction he waited for the heroes to make the first move. 

"What's he been doing?" Steve sought out. 

"Absolutely nothing." Thor replied, the thunderous Demigod's eyes glowing as he called his hammer and axe to him. Wielding both otherworldly weapons as lightning danced wickedly in the dark, ominous clouds. 

"Becky, don't let go of that gauntlet." My friend cautioned as we steadily made our way forward. 

Walking across the jagged, smoldering valley the heroes stood face to face against the Titan once more. 

"You could not live with your failure. And, where did that bring you? Back to me," Thanos spoke up, his voice booming across the demolished pit, dual sided blade and armored helmet at his side. 

His past self knowledgeable of everything, and more powerful than ever. Secure enough to mock the heroes as he sat, fiddling away with a piece of gravel in his large purple hand. 

"I thought that by eliminating half of life the other half would thrive. But, you've shown me that's impossible," The Titan continued. "And, as long as there are those that remember what was there will always be those that are unable to accept what can be. They will resist." 

"Yep, we're all kinds of stubborn." Tony commented, making the Titan sneer and smirk. The giant rising slowly to his feet, towering over everything. 

"I'm thankful. Because now I know what I must do, what my future self didn't," He illustrated, sheathing himself with his helmet once more and ripping his ginormous sword out of the dirt. 

"I will shred this universe down to it's last atom. And, then with the stones you've collected for me, with the gauntlet that that human woman is holding, I will create a new one, teeming with life. That knows not what it has lost, but only what it has been given," Thanos explained, a mammoth amongst the sea of damage he caused. 

"A grateful universe." 

"Created out of blood and destruction. By a genocidal maniac who's playing at being God." I spoke up, cradling the gauntlet he so desired in my arms. 

My comment making a smile etch across the Titan's countenance as he stared down at me. 

"I like you, but you're wrong. Because my new universe will never know it. None of you will be alive to tell them..." 

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