The Castle Of Glass

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The wheels of the suitcase clattered on the polished floor as Hanami Miyama dragged it along the hallway, trying to keep up with the man striding ahead of her. His heavy footsteps matched the rhythmic pounding of her heart. As the destination grew closer, her pulse quickened and eyes darted between the floor and his straight back. They stopped before an apartment door and he fished out a bunch of keys from his pocket. As he lifted his hand,a ring on his finger caught the glint of an overhead light. The silver sparkle caught her attention. Her gaze trailed upwards from his hands to a face hardened with concentration.

When he lifted his gaze, she saw light eyes--a shade between dark wood and maple leaves in autumn. The man glanced over her shoulder at the end of the hallway and perhaps noticing her gaze, raised his brows as if to say 'May I help you?' She pretended to stare at the marble beneath their shoes.

The door cracked open to reveal an apartment with a view of the skyline. The man flicked on the switch and in an instant, the room was filled with warm light, bathing every inch and brightening every corner. Crossing through the drawing room, she stood before the bay window, taken by the sight outside. Tiny city lights and bright flashing neon boards flickered in patterns against the dark canvas of sky. A complex living breathing creature right below them.

"Mrs Miyama."

She turned to look at him. 

"Yes, Mr Miyama?"

He stared at her before directing his gaze elsewhere. "You must be tired. Let me show you to your room."

Standing in the doorway, Hanami observed the room presented to her. A bed in the center with floral printed sheets-she guessed they were new, a closet stacked against the walls dyed in a pleasing soft shade of orange blossom, a dressing table by the corner and a window screened by curtains. Minimal but cozy.

"Thank you." She nodded in approval and got hold of her bag. He shook his head, took her luggage off of her hands and proceeded inside. 

"If you need anything please don't hesitate." 

She answered with a nod and watched him leave.

Left alone for a while, Hanami locked the door and took the liberty of plopping herself down on the soft bed. She stretched, letting out a tired sigh. For a minute she closed her eyes allowing a sweet darkness to wash over. The journey had been exhausting. The only thing she wished to do was to hit the pillow and curl into the blanket, to drown into that sweet darkness, but a thick ball of dread in her chest wouldn't leave her in peace. She opened her eyes and stared at the white ceiling, trying to calm herself down. She was there. And there was no going back.

When she sat up, her gaze flickered towards a bunch of white roses stacked in the vase on the dresser. Flowers have their own language called Hanakotoba. Her mother who was adept at Ikebana once told her that the white rose stood for silence, innocence and devotion. A wife must be like a white rose, she would say.

Hanami touched the petals, realizing they were merely plastic and smelled of room freshener. She shook her head and sauntered towards her luggage.


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