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Arata stopped his car by the familiar shabby looking apartment complex and glanced out of the window for a while, debating whether to go on. But the promise had been made and it was too late to back out. He got out of the car and picked his way through the empty lot to the entrance.

After the heavy rain, a faint smell clung to the air which slowly warmed up with sunshine. The cheery atmosphere had no effect on his mood. A bug of dread crawled through him, burrowed in his chest and ate at his core as he prepared for the confrontation.

The elevator had broken down. It had been so since the last time he'd visited. He climbed up the narrow staircase, sometimes pressing back against the wall to let other people pass and reached the third floor. There, at the end of the hallway, he stood still, hand lifted to ring the doorbell. He straightened and pressed the button. A thin metallic sound rang inside the apartment. He heard footsteps, they seemed to pause at the threshold for a while and then the door cracked open just a little to show her face. Pale with dark eyes that always looked wet.

They stared at each other, neither moving. He was the first to look away. At the other end of the hallway, a middle aged woman watched them.

Ayano followed his gaze, frowned then opened the door wider. Color returned back to her cheeks. "Thank you for coming, please step inside."

He gave a nod, left his shoes outside and sidled into the apartment. It was still the same as before. With the cello resting in its spot in the corner, the minimal arrangement of sofa set and floor lamps. Even the small lighted aquarium devoid of fish remained where it was, perched on a table. She rubbed her hands and motioned him to a seat.

"I'm so glad you are here. I really didnt know what to do... Would you like some tea?"


Ayano nodded and settled down across him in silence. Her fingers continued rapping on her knee; moving like sinewy creatures with life of their own. Wanting out as soon as possible, he ventured, "What's the problem?"

"It's..."she flushed. "About a large sum of'' money."


"Yes, my brother, he took a heavy loan from some sharks and somehow got me caught in it. I have nothing to do with all this but those people keep coming at my door and threaten me." Her gaze lowered to her bare feet. "The landlady won't allow me to stay if this keeps on. It disturbs the neighbours."

"How much money?"

"... About sixty thousand yen."

"Sixty thousand yen."

"Yes."Ayano blushed, clearly hesitant. "I'll return it back to you."

He took a moment to think then shook his head. "No need. Think of it as a payment."


"For introducing me to music."

"I didn't do it for money. We were in love. You were interested so I-" Her eyes turned bright with anger, "you don't think I was after your money, do you?"

"If you were, you wouldn't have left."he stood up. "I'll send you a cheque. Don't return the money. Then, neither of us owe the other anything."

When he got to the door, she called, "Arata."

He glanced back. Her shoulders dropped as if tired of the weight of their past.

"I was after love,"she said."I don't know what you were looking for."

Arata turned away. He didn't know either.


In the evening bustle of Tokyo, three young women hurried out of a theatre and trailed through the streets. Around them a crowd ebbed and flowed, gently pushing them along. At the sight of a glittering restaurant, they cut through the stream and disappeared inside.

"That was a good movie."Kyoko sighed as she fell into a seat in a restaurant. "Such a handsome actor, oh my."

"Yeah?"Mari waved for the waiter. Once she caught his gaze and saw him trail closer, her attention returned to Kyoko. "I don't remember. Was busy sleeping."

"You mean snoring,"said Hanami. That set the trio laughing. They ordered a few hot drinks and settled down in a light banter.

"It feels good to get back together."Kyoko mused, gazing at the rim of her cup. "Like the old days. We should do this more often."

Hanami nodded, a bright smile flashing on her lips.

"Life gets in the way,"Mari said matter of factly."There's work, boyfriends, husbands, and all sorts of general crap that comes our way."

The comment made a sour look flit across Kyoko's chubby face."Why must you always spoil the mood? Shut up and live the moment."

And so they lived the moment, laughing, often building up more plans to meet up in the coming days.

Once the nacreous veil of pink and pearl in the sky turned into overlapping layers of blue and purple, Hanami parted ways with her friends and returned home. She found the man sitting on the couch, watching the comedy show she'd recommended so ardently. But when she glanced at him, his face showed no joy. Not even a faint smile. The man did not take notice of her until he heard a deliberate step on the floor.

"You're home."he said, looking startled.

"Yes, five minutes ago... Is something wrong?"


"You look a bit worried."

"No, I'm fine."

"Had dinner?"


She tilted her head, a smile on her lips-remnant of a happy day. "Coffee?"

For a flicker of a second she felt his gaze soften. Then it was back to the closed hard brown of a bark.

"Yes please, that's just the thing I need."

"You know,"she teased, "you can have it when I'm not around too. I don't lock the cabinets and gulp down the key."

As if some switch had been flicked on, his face glowed with a pink flush. "Well, I...I thought it was better to appreciate it with company."

He turned his head away and the warm color paled in the white light of the television screen. Hanami held back a chuckle and turned to the kitchen.

At the table, the lost look returned to his face. Sometimes it turned troubled and his brows would knit together just a little. Like ripples fading and appearing because of a heavy thought flung over and over into the serene surface of one's mind. She tried to spin a conversation.

"Did you like the show?"

He remained silent, studying some invisible thing in space.


"... Yes?"

Hanami sighed. "You're right. It's good to share."

"It is..."he nodded, already retreating back to his cave.

"So do share. What is the matter?"

His gaze quickly darted to her."Office work."

"You can still share."

Again the tired gleam was back in his eyes. He paused and looked almost eager but leaned back in his chair.

"I'm not in the habit of that."

The voice felt stiff. She met his look and nodded. "I understand."

After coffee, Hanami rose and perhaps affected by the desolate look of his broad yet rigid back, placed a tender hand on his warm shoulder. Arata looked up, as surprised as her. They stared at each other in silence. Slowly he nodded with understanding. She drew her hand back and started to the exit. At the doorway though, she stopped and gave the man a glance. He was sitting by himself under the lone light of a bulb. Something gentle and fleeting welled up in her heart, then disappeared in a mist of thoughts. She shook her head and went up to her room.


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