Pretending Gone Live

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Next up, we have Emma and Elina.

el: Okay, for our scene, I'm gonna be playing an old lady Who's walking home From a bingo game.

Em: And I play a brutal mugger.

El:Yes, a brutal mugger Who mugs me Without actually hurting me.

[btw: Elina thinks Emma will undoubtedly harm her because of what Elina did to marissa]

Okay, as always, be careful, And if anything goes wrong, Just yell the safe word, Which is butternut. Okay, guys, ready? And-

El: Butternut.

Em: What.?!

Elina, what's the obstacle?

El:I was testing the safe word.It works.Okay, I'm ready.

And action.

El:Oh, I certainly did Enjoy the bingo, Although I do miss bob hope.

EM: Give me your money.


Em:I ain't playing? Give me your money And your watch.

El:Oh, wouldn't you rather Have this?

Em: Ah! Mm~!Butternut!

She's bleeding.


Let me see, let me see.

Are you okay?

Em: No, She hit me In the face for real.

el:No, I didn't.

Em:Tell that to my bloody eye!

We need to call Marissa.

El: NO!

They glanced at her once before she is sent to call her

You were SUPPOSE 2 fake it!


Director: I said leave personal things OFF THE STAGE

Marissa's on her way

Upon hearing this,lina attempted to leave, but stopped when the doors swung open


She ran to her side

R: Who did this to you?

Em: Elina, ma'am

R: Elina?

El: I didn't mean to.

Just as rissa stood, Her sweetheart grabs her.

She looks despicable

Em: It's fine

R: U're too passive, my love.

Em: Please. She's your offspring

R: /and thou my wife/

Em: /Baby, please./

She pleads

After a few, she slowly reached an agreement.

R: Ok. Come on.

Em stood hiding her eye from viewers

R: Thanks for calling me

No problem

On the way out, Rissa held her close as she ignores her delinquent daughter


Em: Ow.

R: Sorry my sweet.

Em: *whines*

R: It'll sting for a bit. I am so SO sorry, baby doll.

The Life Of Marissa Smith And Her Painful, Sad, Regretful Upbringing: book 2Where stories live. Discover now