The Mole Of 2k5

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May I speak to you a minute?

R: no

I want to speak to you.You don't throw my kid out of the program.I'm looking at every single intern out here, Marissa! They all look like children! Isn't that crazy, that adults look like children! I'll tell you what, you're not gonna do this to my kid!

R: Out of the room.Out.Out.Regan? Good-bye.

You're not throwing her out.

R:Oh, yes, I am.And you with her.Go.

No, you're not.

R:Yes.Every week we put the trash out.Go.

Then take yourself out! 'Cause you're the biggest piece of trash there is!

R:Go somewhere else.

Why are you right?

R:It's my building.My name is on the front of it.

So what?! You keep telling her how stupid she is.

R:She's not stupid.She just can't read. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

(chuckles) Oh, so you're saying I'm stupid?

R:Are you?

Well, I've got more education than you will ever have! Than you will ever have! Because I went to school. Unfortunately, you didn't.

R:May I have your phone?

Call the police! Go for it! Go for it!

R: I'm sorry, sorry guys. There's a psycho in every batch.

A psycho, yes. Her name's Marissa Smith!

R: Hi, I need police at..........We have a parent that's out of control.

I can't stand her!

R: Pardon? She does not have weapons.I don't know if she went outside.I walked into a room. Let's go, guys.Let's get in the other room.Sorry, you had to see that. *sighs*


My slumber was nice

Til an hour later when i felt a hand on my neck.

I'm being choked


The room was slightly lighted

I couldn't see the persons' face.

Couldn't remove the hand.

Can't breathe, gasp or scream

I don't know why, but i fail my legs as if that'll help

AS IF i'm trying to kick out of a pin [those bakas]

I'm crying?

Then i can breath again

Coughing violently

In the moonlight shining in i could see my attackers apologetic face

The person reached for me

I tumbled off the bed when i reversed

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to."


" I didn't-"



S: U ok, sis?

R: ...yea. I'm-.....I'll- yea

The Life Of Marissa Smith And Her Painful, Sad, Regretful Upbringing: book 2Where stories live. Discover now