Chapter 13: Five to Four...

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A/N: Hey Everyone! THis is the final chapter of Marie Antoinette. There will be no uploads for the rest of the month. The first chapter of a new book will be up around June 9th. Stay tuned! 

Also thank you to everyone who followed me in the last week: @MartPuniste @tinsrae @Misshades16 @sleepless-slanders @blackqueen39 @NicoleRxldxn @AimeeLouise_xoxo and @MarvelHero20


Salali ran home as fast as she could. She had to see if her sisters were back! She burst through the door panting. Her stepdad was back and hewas bending over a large cardboard box. Ignoring this Salali ran around the house calling for her sisters. There was no answer. It seemed like they were gone for good. Her mom came up the stairs wondering why she was so upset. Salali told her everything. Their time travel trips, how she used to have younger twin sisters. To her surprise her mom believed her!

"Salali, dear, maybe you need to stop taking those trips. You haven't been the same since you started taking them." Her mom suggested.

Salali stared at her. "What!?! No! This is the best way to learn about history! Haven't you seen my grades in that class?"

Salali's mother nodded. "Now that your in grade twelve, it's time for you to ignore all that. You must take art and continue the family tradition!"

At this Salali burst into tears. She hated art! She would rather give up her heritage and continue History than take art classes! She ran to the library to tell her friends.


Salali's friends were speechless. How could her mother break up the group?They were snapped out of the shock by Salali's voice once again."Don't worry you guys, that's not even the worst part. We're moving to Paris. Apparently there is a really good art school there. Well,that and she wants to get me away from you guys. Apparently I've changed since meeting you."

Everyone could feel the mood change from anticipation to depression. Thankfully, Alex spoke up and suggested they go see a movie. It was agreed that they would view the one based on World War II.


The end of the week drew near. Salali's family had finished packing andher friends had come to the airport to see her off. She hugged the mall. "I'll miss you! Promise me you'll write often?" Everyone nodded. Salali handed over her old phone saying "Keep this safe forme. My parents won't take kindly to me having it." With a sad smile, Salali joined her family and boarded the plane.


The plane was gone along with Salali, the group wouldn't be the same without her. Suddenly Becca started to laugh.

"Becca, are you OK?" Alex asked with concern. "You were the closest to Salali and yet you are laughing when she is gone?"

Trying to catch her breath Becca explained, tears of laughter streaming down her face. "It's just that the thought of Salali taking Art classes is hysterical. She can't even draw a stick figure properly. The head was always more of a square and the body looked like someone ate jello!" Everyone laughed heartily and headed out of the airport wondering what adventure they and Salali would have next.

A/N: What did you all think? Comment Below and if you liked it please vote and follow if you haven't already.

Marie Antoinette: What If It Never Happened! (first draft)Where stories live. Discover now