Pressure to Fit In

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Second, a checklist like this puts pressure on others to be dishonest with themselves so that they can have a lot of check marks too. For example, "Has a canine theriotype" could make people feel insecure if they do not identify as a canine. To fix that, a person might falsify a therioside. Not everyone has every type of shift. Not everyone wants to be in a pack. Not everyone likes to wear collars and tails.

It seems to have become a competition to collect the most tails with some people having a dozen or more. 

While owning and wearing a tail doesn't make a person a Therian, those who can't afford a tail or who are not allowed to have one may feel ostracized

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While owning and wearing a tail doesn't make a person a Therian, those who can't afford a tail or who are not allowed to have one may feel ostracized. This is becoming a problem in our community. I have a couple other books planned about Social Media Influencers and gear which will go more in depth about these issues.

I know these checklists were intended to be fun, but I can see potentially negative although unintended consequences for the young and uneducated who want to impress others and fit in. They will rush to do these things and check boxes instead of taking their time to learn.

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