💔💔💔Teaser ......💔💔💔

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Hey guys I know you are Hoping for next update.

You want to know whether Adhira trust her Rugved or she will take a Big step...

Here teaser from Next part of story....

Enjoy it...

And try to guesses what is going to happen ...

Happy Reading!!

Teaser .....

I was struggling for breath when I sense shadow moving beside me, I was holding someone's hands. I looked up to see face, it was him ... he was tring to slide his hand from my grip, " N... no... Rugved" I begged him. "Sorry Adhira, I can't not give you love that belongs to her. You are a very good person. That guy will be very lucky who will get married to you... but... but I am not that guy. I am sorry Adhira." He jerked my hand to get off out my hold.

I took step further and held his fingers again, " Rugved... Please don't say like that Please... Rugved....."

"Adhira .. I love her... Sorry" he again jerked my hand and left from there.

"Rugveeeeeeeeeeeeed..." I cried from the bottom of my heart... All walls are broken of my heart... My heart was crying aloud taking his name.

I tried to run after him calling his name with every bit out my body, "Rugveeeeeeeeeeeeed." I lost control stumbled over my foot and fell on the floor..

It was not just our relationship fall apart... It was my last hope on love also...

I felt myself running out of breath and suddenly everything around stared to get black....

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❤❤❤ Archu❤❤❤

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