September 7th

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1 pm

Lance and Keith were unbelievably bored. No more words then simple goodmornings and basic weather talk have been spilled. They weren't particularly tired or uncomfortable, just out of conversations. And as they just tumbled out of bed one hour ago; they were more lazy. After their short, but sweet, interaction on the bridge yesterday, they haven't really talked much about things that mattered. Keith didn't dare to call Lance anymore names or try to talk with him about his dad. He just didn't and Lance was more then grateful. They came home in the evening, ate some pizza with Shiro, yelled at the TV and went to their seperate rooms.

But Lance wondered: if they couldn't even muster up anymore conversations on the third day of being in the same house; how are they going to survive another four days?

"You've got something on your mind?" Keith asks tiredly. His eyes are still a bit droopy as his lips try push out each letter one by one. "You're very silent. Which is super unlike you." Keith directs his face towards Lance in a slow movement. They were on opposite sides of the couch, much to Lance's protest.

He shrugs his shoulders, looking at the ground. "Just tired, I think." he party lies to the smaller boy.

They haven't talked about their kisses or what they meant. To Lance they meant everything and more, while maybe to Keith it was just nothing. Maybe that's why they hadn't done it again. Maybe that's why Keith is so far sat from him. He came to Keith for comfort, distraction, fun.. But instead he got hurt over the fact that Keith called him dumbass. Just dumbass, Lance feels stupid for getting hurt so damn easily. It's just a dumb swear word. He wants to tell Keith literally everything, but he's afraid it's going to be too unlike him. He's supposed to be this bubbly confident guy who can pep everyone up! Not a sad, selfless and on top of that useless boy.

"Goodmorning Keith," a suddenly husky voice brings out, "morning Lance." Shiro walks into the room while wiping the sleep from his eyes with balled fists. Lance liked Shiro, he seems like a good guy. The way he communicates with his foster brother made Lance's heart warm up like a heater in a dessert. Or like a heater in a snow storm? A HEATER IN A COTTAGE???

"You guys slept well?" Shiro interrupt Lance's unnecessary train of thoughts. He was kind of happy the older man did. Lance felt the couch suddenly lift up right besides him as Keith stands up. Wait, when did Keith scoot over? Why? How?

Keith walks around the bar towards the fridge and opens it up, "Yeah, we slept allright. Just a bit long." He takes the plate with waffles out of it and hands them over to his brother who smiles gratefully at the leftovers from their breakfast. "What about you?"

Shiro plops down onto a bar chair; his back facing Lance now. "Yeah, same." he says through a big yawn. Lance's ears perk up as he hears Shiro whisper something that includes his name to Keith.

He heard something like:'Lance...out of it.. okay?'

He decides to not wait for an answer and just interrupt their sneaky conversation about him. "I'm going to take a shower." he announces and walks towards the bathroom. Which is just past the kitchen, into the small hallway and after that immediately the room from your right.

He shuffles into the room and locks the door behind him effortlessly. As he turns around, he is immediately greeted by himself in the mirror. He looked like a mess:  small curls are taking over the front of his hair, large bags lay underneath his eyes and  Shiro's pyjama was WAY too baggy on him. He craved a shower and his own clothes for one day. It was decent weather, so he could actually wear his own shirt for the first time.


"I think we're staying in today." Lance heard Keith say to Shiro as he leaves the bathroom. He walks into the kitchen and plops down next to Shiro, while Keith is standing opposite of them with his hands on the bar.

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