Home Business for Women - Introduction

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Hi, I am Holger Wastlund

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Hi, I am Holger Wastlund

I have worked as a consultant for most of my professional life

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I have worked as a consultant for most of my professional life. I have been active in the United States, Canada, Europe, Africa, and Asia. I have had the luck to help many people to start new businesses, and develop existing companies. I have been an advisor to numerous individuals where I have been advising them on issues to do with career change and personal development.

I have published 15 books in Swedish all of which are based on practical and proven advice and tips. I am passionate about developing people and helping others build their businesses. That's why I am telling about my experiences here free for you. You can help me to spread this story to as many people as possible by recommending it to your friends and acquaintances.

Whatever I write here consists of practical and proven tips and advice. Should you wish to tell me about your experiences or get in touch with me for any reason, please comment on anything in the story that will follow.

Thank you for downloading the first part of this story.

You are here. It can only mean one thing - you do have a burning desire to succeed working from home as most people do. But will this be enough to make that dream come true? I am afraid not. The truth remains that you will need more than just the desire to succeed and work-from-home tips to achieve your goal of working from home successfully. The ideas contained in this story will help you be successful while working from home

Most people who had the same dream a couple of years ago abandoned it midway when they discovered it wasn't easy finding a good book or story on how to find the right business ideas with which you can make your dream of working from the comfort of your home, the beach or any location you choose a reality.

The fact that the internet has thousands of books, articles, websites, and blogs purported to be the ultimate work from home blueprints and guides, makes it challenging to know what works.

The hard truth is that most people who dish out these tips keep the juiciest tips and ideas all to themselves and churn out the same information we have become so accustomed to that they are no longer news to us and do not appeal to the work-from-home minded person.

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People will hardly let you into the secrets of their online successes. Human beings believe that telling you the whole truth about how they make money will in one way or the other affect their income. So they resort to repeating what is common knowledge.

With this story in your hand, your search for what works online and offline with regards to working from home just came to an end. You will be learning from scratch how you can generate unique business ideas that will fly without any hitches. I will be sharing with you the several ideas I have tried out myself and the ones I have helped people close to me start, which are all putting money in our pockets on a daily basis.

I have had the unique opportunity to participate in the launch of more than 200 home-based businesses started by women.

My first job was as an architect for a technical consulting company, VBB, now known as Sweco. It was composed of architects, landscape architects, interior designers, economists and others. When I started there, the company had about 1300 employees. The firm lived mostly on assignments from abroad, mainly from Saudi Arabia. Suddenly the overseas missions took to an end, and the company went on short time from being extremely beneficial to be drawn with sharp losses. The CEO at the time resigned, and I became CEO.

I had to reduce the company from 1300 to 900 people because of cost-benefit reasons. We did so mainly through layoffs and some early retirement. That was hard for everyone involved, not least for me. We tried to take care of the redundant in as responsible a way as possible. We helped 250 people to start their businesses. More than 200 of them were women who started home-based companies in a lot of different branches as import companies, shops, consulting firms, cleaning companies, IT companies, etc., etc. , and many of these companies, I followed up for a long time.

Later, I learned that what we worked with was called "outplacement," i.e., to help people get started with new careers. After that I quit as CEO, I have, among other things devoted myself to outplacement as a consultant, speaker, trainer, and author. I have, as a consultant, helped hundreds of people to new pursuits in connection with the closure of large government agencies and reorganization of others. I have learned a lot on this, and it is on these experiences that I base my tips and advice in this book.

I can confidently say that I know what makes the difference between those who start out fired up only to drop the idea altogether shortly after because they could not keep the fire burning. This story will help you to ensure that your pursuit to work at home will far exceed your expectations. It has done it for most of the women I have been able to help. And I believe it can do the same for you.

I think that you have made your best decision of the year by downloading the first part of this story. This story can change your financial life for good.

Happy reading!

Holger Wastlund

Email address: holger.wastlund(at)gmail.com

Website: http://www.tips-and-advice.com 

See you soon in the next chapter where you will get a bonus gift!

Home Business for Women - Inspiration and AdviceWhere stories live. Discover now