Embrace the Power of Webinars

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I cannot overemphasize the role of webinars in driving your home-based business forward. If you deal with information products, you need webinars to reach the right audience and bring in those massive sales. These webinars serve two purposes - they can serve as avenues for spreading the word about your products and services to a broader audience and at the same time double as a product of its rights.

As a CEO, I made more public speaking appearances than I can count. I know the hindrances I experienced while attending some of those seminars and how hard it was to organize them. The time it took to put up most of those speeches and cater for the participants never failed to take its toll on me and other areas of life that needed my presence and attention.

But with the internet and all its attendant resources, some of such tedious seminars have been easily replaced with virtual meetings popularly referred to as webinars. These days, you can stay in any part of the world and organize your business conferences with people participating from all over.

You should look into the possibilities of creating webinars as a home-based entrepreneur

Here are some significant benefits of webinars to your business:

· Makes you money while you sit at home:

Yes, you can organize paid webinars and people will gladly attend if they find what you are about to teach them relevant. All it takes is to create the event using relevant online tools such as Google Hangouts, Skype, GoToWebinar, etc. Once you have a date, time and other vital details of the webinar printed in an online flyer, the next thing is to get the word about the webinar out to people who would want to participate in it.

Let them know what it is about, what you will be teaching them and what they stand to gain at the end of the course. Keep talking about your webinar on your site/blog and social media pages. You can also get your friends to lend their voices by rebroadcasting on their walls.

· You can sell your other products via the webinar: Since it is your conference, you decide what to make a part of the whole event. If you have any product your audience would be interested in, you can talk about it during the live conference and tell them where to look if they want to buy. You can also make some extra cash by talking about a related product from another company at a fee you will both agree.

· Fewer Logistics: Unlike the physical conferences where you will have to run around trying to get things ready, set the conference hall, make arrangements for refreshments and other relevant issues like that, web conferences only require the participants to indicate interests, get registered for the course and follow from any part of the world. Thus, you will spend a minimal amount of money organizing such web meetings that end up making you a whole lot of money in registration fees and sales from the products you showcase during the conferencing.

· Create a product from the whole content of the course: You can create a training kit comprising of CDs, e-books, videos, etc., for people who could not participate in the class to purchase and learn what you taught during the live seminar. These conferences resemble the online video courses described in a previous section but differ from those because webinars are strictly live events where participants can ask and answer questions during the live events.

Most great online platforms where people flock today to teach and learn varied topics began with people who decided to explain what they knew online years ago through web conferences. You too can start something similar and give the online world their next online teaching platform. Below are some excellent online platforms with such humble beginnings:


Skillshare is among the most significant learning platforms you can find online today. Here, teachers meet learners and everyone benefits. As a teacher, you choose what you want to teach under relevant categories such as Designs, Art, Technology, Lifestyle, and Entrepreneurship.

When Skillshare launched in 2012, it had only 15 courses where students were expected to work together to complete tasks. By 2014, there were over a hundred courses on that platform for members to participate in at a monthly cost. Today, it has over 10,000 courses!


Udemy focuses on working adults who desire to beef up their professional certificates, learn new skills or pursue their projects. Udemy gives professionals the chance to become online instructors, design their courses and tools in PowerPoint presentations, PDF files, audio messages, video clips, etc. These instructors earn money from students who subscribe to their courses. As of today, there are over 15, 000, 000 students on Udemy with over 55,000 courses to choose. You too can register as a tutor.


Yousician began when two friends - Chris and Mikko from Helsinki - who had unsuccessfully tried to learn how to play musical instruments met in a pub to talk about their inability to succeed with their passion. Their discussion helped them understand there were others who failed to learn how to play musical instruments using the same conventional techniques they used. This idea gave birth to a company they named Ovelin in 2011, which later became Yousician following series of successes. This story lends credence to a point I had made earlier - you can collaborate with someone to begin a great home based business and succeed.


LearnWorlds is a great platform, which allows you to design and market your online courses. The site has a very smooth interface, which enables users to interact and engage in all activities. Other great features you will find on this site are customizable front-end, advanced analytics, etc.


This online learning community now has over 34,000 courses, 22,000 instructors and more than 4,000,000 active students. Instructors on teachable have earned over $100m from their classes. You can take your share from this online goldmine.


There are more than 35,000-course creators on Thinkifik. If you are looking for a great platform where you can build your brand, find the right audience for your courses, you should try this platform. You do not need to have any particular design skills before you can customize the design of your business page and scale your courses on this platform.

Academy of mine

Academy of mine is yet another great platform, which allows you host your online courses and run your online academy. The platform has several drag and drop tools that will make building your online curriculum and design your course outlines easy and smooth.

Making your webinars work

Are there secrets to hosting successful webinars you need to learn to succeed in your webinars and get the right results? Of course, there are. Let me share with you some techniques I use for my webinars, which are responsible for the fantastic successes these webinars have recorded thus far:

* Choose a convenient day and time-weekends and evenings work best

* Choose the most exciting topics depending on what your audience yearns for

* Promote your webinar on all platforms you can access. The more people who get to know about it, the better.

* Make sure you use the best available equipment

* Before the conference day, practice until you can host the conference without looking at the course outline.

* Engage your audience, before, during and after the course.

In the next chapter, I will cover a vast and exciting area with almost no limits - Kindle Publishing.

See you there.

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