A Study In Pink Part 1

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Working as a forensic scientist for Scotland Yard was interesting to say the least. Despite having been the head of her department in the States, Evelyn was expected to take orders from Philip Anderson. He wasn't unpleasant, but the man was vastly overconfident in his abilities. Not to mention the obvious (to Eve at least) affair he was having with Detective Sergeant Donovan. This meant he made Evelyn stick to the small cases such as robbery. The pace at which she assisted the officers and detectives working the cases greatly increased the efficiency of the forensics unit, but left Eve agonisingly bored.

Detective Inspector Lestrade caught wind of the "case whiz" in forensics, paid her a visit. A friendship formed immediately between the CSI and the DCI. Lestrade began assigning her to more high priority cases. Eve was beyond happy to challenge her brain.

Evelyn had quickly discovered that Sherlock Holmes, the man who was responsible for her father's execution and very likely the new inhabitant of 221B, was her colleague...sort of. The world's only consulting detective would swoop into the precinct in a whirl of smug deductions and intrigue, and leave just as quickly. He had spoken to her once, when she was coming to visit her mother.

Seconds after knocking on the darkly painted door, it swung open to reveal the tall detective.

He surveyed her quickly. "You'll be wanting to rent somewhere else."

"Excuse me?" She said, taken off guard.

"You've come to ask about an apartment that was just signed to me." He explained unhelpfully.

Barely ten minutes earlier, she'd been testing some DNA for a case he was assisting Lestrade one. Fully aware of his skill set, and realizing he had no idea who she was, Evelyn walked past him and into the foyer.

"Good thing I'm not here about the flat, then. You'll be wanting to call DCI Lestrade about the DNA from the crime scene." She said with a smile, closing the door.

A day or two after meeting Sherlock at Baker Street, the fourth body in a string of seemingly unconnected suicides turned up in Brixton. At Lestrade's request, Eve came along with Anderson to the crime scene.

"I already looked the body over. I don't see why she-" Anderson complained.

"She'll pick up what you miss." Lestrade said, ushering Eve into the room.

A voice over his walkie talkie took the DCI back down the stairs as Evelyn got to work. She examined the woman first, confirming that asphyxiation was the cause of death. The woman's jewelery had all been recently cleaned, but her wedding was not. Removal of the golden accessory, coupled with perfectly manicured nails proved a serial adulterer in a long and unhappy marriage..

"She's German. 'Rache,' means revenge." Anderson said snootily, referring to the clearly unfinished note scratched into the wooden floor. Evelyn didn't even dignify his comment with a response. The most likely explanation was the name "Rachel."

Next, Evelyn studied the woman's coat, finding the back, and under the collar wet while the collar was not. In a pocket was a dry, unused umbrella. Pulling out her cell phone, Eve did a search of weather reports across the UK in the past three hours. Reaching her conclusion, Evelyn went to finish her examination when Anderson interrupted.

"Look, I think that's enough. Holmes just arrived and I want to go make sure he doesn't mess with the scene." Anderson grabbed Eve's arm and took her down the stairs.

With a sigh, she followed. While he went down to mark his territory, Evelyn talked with one of the other forensic scientists about the possibility of ties to the black market or under the counter sales of whatever poison was killing these people.

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