The Abominable Bride Part 2

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Days passed, became weeks, and still they were no closer to an answer. Eventually Holmes and Watson turned their attention to other cases, matters, and events. One such matter centered around the necessity of the Watsons moving out of 221B. They'd been married for several months, and needed their own space.

Well, that's what Mary and Evelyn argued.

And so the Watsons found a home close by, packed their things, hired a few servants, and moved away.

By the morning of their second day apart, Sherlock had sunk into a low mood. He sat in his chair, fingers steepled below his chin, glowering at the empty chair across from him. Evelyn sat at her desk, writing letters to be sent out with the midday post. She felt her husband's gloominess, and began hatching a plot to banish the sourness from his face.

An hour later, two telegrams were delivered at two separate addresses.

"Holmes, I simply must get out of the house. I'm losing my marbles cooped up here. - Watson," read the one sent to 221B

"Watson, I have found a case for us. Come at once if convenient. If inconvenient, come all the same. - Holmes" said the telegram received by Dr. Watson.

Holmes and Watson went off from 221B to solve what would later be called "The Three Students," all the while unaware that it was the other Holmes and Watson who orchestrated the reunion.

Sherlock returned home late that evening. Evelyn and Darwin were down in Mrs. Hudson's rooms. Sherlock stood in the doorway. Darwin napped by the fire, full of all the treats and scraps Mrs. Hudson had slipped him. Mrs. Hudson mirrored the dog, snoozing on the sofa after her usual post-dinner glass of wine. Evelyn sat at the whist table with Archie. The young boy held an introductory reader in his hand.

Evelyn looked up and smiled at her husband, but kept her attention on Archie.

"T-th-ee c-c-c-at, the cat." He sounded out the words. "R-ai-n-"

"Ran." Evelyn corrected gently. "Soft 'a' sound."

"Oh, right." Archie said. "The cat ran toe-"

"To." Evelyn said. "Long 'o.'"

"The cat ran to th-the r-at. The cat ran to the rat." Archie said.

"Good work, Archie!" Evelyn praised, smiling.

"Thank you, Mrs. Holmes." The boy beamed.

Evelyn waved Sherlock over. "Archie, show Mr. Holmes how well you can read this one."

Sherlock stood behind Evelyn's chair and looked at the book over her shoulder.

"The car-car-rage...carriage we-went down the la-lane before it be-began to ra-rain."Archie read.

Sherlock nodded. "Nearly proficient."

"What does that mean?" Archie wondered.

Evelyn ruffled the boy's hair. "Mr. Holmes means you've improved a lot."

Archie giggled, ducking away from the affectionate gesture. Mrs. Hudson hiccupped, the noise waking her up.

"Goodness, is that the time?" she exclaimed, looking at the grandfather clock by the wall. "Archie, off to bed!"

"Yes, M'um." Archie obeyed, closing the book and leaving the room.

Evelyn stood from the table and bent to give her mother a kiss on the cheek. Sherlock gave a low whistle, waking Darwin from his slumber. The dog stood and sat in front of Sherlock expectantly.

"Upstairs." Sherlock commanded.

Darwin wagged his tail and bounded ahead of his master obediently. Evelyn took Sherlock's arm and they headed up to their flat together.

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