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Harper's P.O.V

I wake up to my phone ringing.  I grab it off the coffee table and see its Chel calling.

Me: Hello

Chel: Wake up bitch you and Alex are late

I look at my screen and see that it is 8:30. Shit school starts at 8

Me: Shit ok we will be there soon.

Hanging up I get up almost pulling Alex with me.

"Baby girl lay back down"

"No get up we are late for school" I say as I rush up the stairs.  I go into the bathroom and brush my teeth and face and pull my hair up.  I walk into my room to see Alex digging in her bag for a shirt. 

"Stop starring and get dressed we are late" she says without looking up.  After we get dressed we rush out and head to school. 

After school we both have practice.  As I am heading to the gym I feel a hand on my shoulder.  I turn to see my ex boyfriend. I roll my eyes and ask can I help him. 

"Why are you with that freak when you can be with me?" He asks causing me to roll my eyes again.

"Because I love her and her dick is bigger than yours" I say turning and walking away from him.  After I drop my things in my locker I go into the gym I see the basketball team already warming up.  Alex sees me and send me a wink.  I walk over to my team and start out practice.  After practice I get my things from the locker room and head back into the gym with Chel to watch the rest of Alex and Laurens practice. 

I love watching Alex play.  She has so much control over the ball and she can its like she can sense which way the other girl is going to move before she does it.  After they play a little longer, Chel and I head outside to wait for our girls to come out.  Once they get there we say our good byes and we head to my house. 

When we get there my parents are both sitting on the couch looking worried.  When they see us they call us both into the living room and tell us to take a seat.  This isn't going to be good.

"Alex we are glad to see you doing a lot better." My dad says looking at the both of us.

"Thank you sir" she says.

"We have something to tell you" he says causing Alex and I to look at each other before looking back to my parents.

"Alex, honey you are welcome to stay here as long as you like" my mom says causing me to get nervous.

"Your dad came by and he wants you to go home" my dad states in a low voice.

"WHAT?" I say getting angry.  "No she is not going back there!" I yell.

"Calm down baby girl" Alex says taking my hand in hers. She looks from me to my parents as if having an internal struggle in her mind. I see something flash in her eyes before she speaks again. "I have to go back" she says causing me to jump off the couch.

"Alex. No you can't. He almost killed you" I say panicking.

"Baby girl I have to." She says sounding defeated.

I shake my head no over and over as I feel the tears fall from my eyes.  She can't go back there. She just can't. I look at her begging her with my eyes not to.  She takes my hand and kisses the back of it pulling me back down onto the couch.

"You don't have to go" my dad says. "I told him I would talk to you and see what you wanted. He should be in jail for what he did to you" my dad says starting to get angry too. "We would rather you stay here" he says hopeful that she will stay.

She looks at me and then back to my dad. 

"Let me think about it" she says.

"What is there to think about Alex?" I say between cries. "You can't go back there" I say before running up the stairs slamming my door and falling onto my bed with sobs racking my body.  How can she even think about going back there?

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