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Harper's P.O.V

That was weird.  Chel and I continue talking about a new cheer routine we are going to do at the game.  Laur comes back alone and I look around wondering where Alex is.

"Where did Alex go?" I ask Laur. She looks at me then down to her food before answering.

"She had to take care of something real quick." She says still not looking at me.

Once lunch is over I head to class hoping Alex is there.  When I walk in to see her seat empty I sit down and pull out my phone to text her.

Me: Where did you go? Are you ok?

She doesn't respond and the teacher walks in telling me to put my phone away.  I'm trying to figure out where she could be when I remember her dad called her.  I ask the teacher can I go to the bathroom. When I get there I call Laur because she has a free period right now.

Me: Did Alex leave school?

Laur: Don't Harpy I can't...I don't know

Me: Her dad called her at lunch before she went to the bathroom. Did she go home to him?

Laur: She had to Harp. I'm sorry.


Laur: Calm down Harper you don't understand.  She had to. He didn't give her a choice.

Me: What do you mean?

Laur: God damnit Harper. He threatened you ok. He threatened you if she didn't go. OK? And she would do anything to keep you safe.  Do you understand now?

I don't answer I just hang up.  Her dad used me to make her go home to him. She went even though she knows what is probably going to happen when she gets home with him.  Oh my god I have to go.  I rush out of the bathroom texting Chel and Laur telling them I am going to Alex's house.  After running out the doors of the school and to my car, I quickly get inside and speed off to Alex's house. 

When I get there and walk up to the door I hear yelling.

"Who the fuck do you think you are? You think I was just going to let you go?" I hear her dad say.  I don't hear Alex's response but I do hear a thud.  I pull out my phone and quickly dial 911 telling them to come now before going through the front door. She did this to keep me safe, it's my turn to protect her. 

I walk in and hear her dad yelling aweful things.  I make my way towards his voice as quietly as I can.  I turn the corner and see Alex on the ground and her dad kick her hard in the stomach.  The tears race down my cheeks and I yell for him to stop.  Alex lifts her head and I see her own tears rolling down her face.

"Well look what we have here. You must be Harper." He says with a dangerous smile.  "You are with that?" He asks pointing to Alex on the floor.

"NO. Harper go. Please." Alex says struggling to breathe. Her father looks down at her before turning and taking a step towards me.  I take a step back.  "No. Leave her alone you asshole." She says to her father.

"This is going to be fun." He says still walking towards me.  I keep stepping back until my back collides with the wall. I close my eyes and brace my self for whatever is about to happen.  I hear a thud and open my eyes to see Alex has tackled her dad into the wall beside me.  He pushes her away before punching her in the face making her fall to the ground. Right as he is about to kick her again, the door flys open and 2 police officers come in with Chel and Lauren right behind them.  They cuff her father and call for an ambulance.  I run over to her and pull her into my arms. 

"I couldn't let him hurt you" She says in my arms.

"I'm sorry baby why didn't you tell me? Why did you leave with him." I ask tears still making their way down my face.

"He would have hurt you. I couldn't let him." She says pulling my head down to meet hers.  I nuzzle my face into her hair and just hold her.  A few moments later Lauren clears her throat.  We both look up at her and she says the ambulance is here.  The take Alex to the hospital with the 3 of us following behind. 

She has a broken rib and more bruising but she is ok.  My dad called to say her father is in jail and won't be getting out anytime soon.  She asks if I want to go home with her since she doesn't have to worry about him being there anymore.  I ask my dad if its ok and he says yes. 

We all go to Alex's house.  Once we get settled Laur and Chel hug us both and leave.  We are laying in her bed watching tv when she speaks.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I just couldn't risk you getting hurt."

"I'm here for you baby. I would do anything for you. Just don't do that to me again." I tell her wrapping my arm around her arm so that i don't hurt her broken rib.  After a few minutes she tells me she loves me before she falls asleep.  I lay there admiring her strength and courage.  She protected me even when she was hurt.  I love her more than anything in the world.

The next morning I wake up to my stomach doing flips.  I rush to the bathroom and barely make it before throwing up.  The stress of yesterday must have caught up to me. I think it's over so I go to stand before it hits me again and I slump back over the toilet.

"Baby are you ok?" I hear her ask before grabbing my hair pinning it out of my face and rubbing my back.

"Yeah. I think stress and nerves from yesterday caught up with me." I say before losing the rest of my stomach contents.  After a few minutes I feel a little better so I stand and walk over to brush my teeth. Alex is standing in the doorway watching me.  After I finish I gently pull her down into bed with me and fall back asleep with her arms wrapped around me.

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