◀◀Call and Blood▶▶

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Selena's POV

“Are you okay?”

“Just spend some quite time apart, you guys can figure things out.”

“Oh my god, everything will be okay, sweetheart.”

“Good for you.”

“Same old love, baby. You must have learned something new-old now.”

“He's an asshole, so awful!”

“Why did you even get back together with him, I know you knew him, he's troubled. Like are you insane?”

“I think it was for the best for you, and for him.”

Shh, Sel don't cry. He can fuck that bitch until he die with STD.”

“Karma works so fast.”

I've been hearing them a lot lately. After Justin and I broke up... Everything seems to be odd.

I'll try to smile and I did. I'll try to laugh, I did. But deep inside I knew it was far from being who I really am and what I really feel.

I actually feel miserable and helpless. He was calling me a lot. I never answered. I can't get myself to talk to him again. After what happened with us... We spent nights with awful arguments, our days with hurtful words.

After I got back together with Justin, late 2017, I thought... I thought everything will be fine. I thought we can figure out things and will be strong no matter what happens. I thought we're not repeating our infamous love cycle.

On again. Off again. On again. Off again. On again. Off again——

It's been like that. That's how our relationship works. But the last time, I thought it'll be something else, something more. I thought we'll stay for a long time.

To be honest, I thought I'll be walking down the aisle in a beautiful white dress.

Yes, maybe I'm pregnant. I'm having Justin's baby anytime soon. I had a piece of him inside me. But what if this piece of him is the only mattered to him and that's why he got back together with me?


It hurts. I hurts thinking how much I loved him.

Isn't it enough?

I loved him. He loved me. We'll having our little family soon so why? It's been said that we're just going to take time away from each other so we can find ourselves... But he didn't just needed a space. He needed her—–

Justin calling...

I stared at the screen, biting my lip. Why is he calling again? Did he get bored of Hailey? Is he going back to me?

I slid my finger to answer the call. I brought the speaker to my ears, shaking slightly.

He hadn't even say a word but I was already crying. I was whimpering out loud that he'll say he wants me.


Hi, Selena,” she spits my name through the speakers sending shivers to my spine.

Why is she on his phone?

“Hailey,” I tried to keep my voice strong as possible.

“Justin's in the shower right now, I just want to catch up with you. How have you been?” she asks, trying to sound nice but only ended up sounding like a constipated bitch.

I swallowed, “I'm fine.”

“Didn't sound like you,” she giggles.

God can I strangle her through speakers?

“I'm good, Hailey. You don't sound like you, too.”


“You faked.”

“Whatever. Just want you to know that Justin is not going back to you anymore.  Have you seen our kissing pics? Did you died with sorrow and agony?” she laughed.

Blinking back my tears, I chuckled dryly, “yes, you looked cute.”

Aww, hope —‘Baby, Hailey want to go shower with me? I'm alone here, love!’—,” that was Justin, I think... She giggles before shouting ‘fine!’, “okay, even I will like to talk with you the whole day, I can't. My baby, Justin, needs me. Bye!”

I broke down with more tears. I felt a sharp pain slicing through my heart. He kills me over and over again.

I thought it was just that but I really feel the sharp pain. I hissed rubbing my tears away. I looked down and I saw blood.

What happened??

Omg :(
I feel so bad..
I'm sorry. My baby Sel was like always broken in my stories...😭

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