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Sat in a silver Sienna was Alhaji Dawood, smoking the cigarette that was loosely fixed between his two fingers. He's clad in a navy blue kaftan which was tight on him due to his podginess,which an elegantly sewn babban riga conceals.

Beside him, on the passenger's seat, sat a chubby, dark lady prolly in her mid forties, wearing a perfectly sewn atampha; Hajiya Bilki. A mouth watering meatpie was grasped on her right hand and a bottle of coke on her left whilst an extra also mouth watering meatpie sat on her laps.

"That one. She looks naive and beautiful." Hajiya Bilki pointed at a girl across the road with her now free hand that she kept the coke . Unwillingly selling panke (buns) in a transparent bucket. You could tell she's forced to do so by the look on her pretty face. It was Maryam!

"Okay." Alhaji Dawood nodded slightly, casually dropping his almost finished cigarette out the car's window. He ignited the engine and drove few meters to where Maryam was walking slowly and tiredly.

"Hello there, may I know your name?" Alhaji Dawood called Maryam's attention. He was on her side.

"I don't think that's necessary mister, are you buying something?" Maryam eyed him suspiciously before replying, she tried to be polite thou her voice came out strained.

He looks filthy rich. It's weird he's talking to a poor hawking girl like me. And he doesn't look like someone buying it, She thought to her self. Mentally trying to solve the puzzles.

"Yes, your right . How much is the whole thing?" He dipped his hand into the left pocked of his kaftan and fished out a bundle of 500 naira's.

"It's 130 naira." Maryam quickly counted the content. She was excited someone was going to buy all of it and save her the exhaustion and also perplexed why he is doing so. Nevertheless the excitement subdued.

"Here you go." Alhaji Dawood handed her the whole bundle of 500 Naira notes. Maryam looked hence and forth from the money to Alhaji Dawood and then to the woman sitting beside him, who she's thinking is his wife. She's busy munching on the meatpie on her hand without a care in the world.

"Erm... Alhaji it's 130 naira, I can't accept this." She shook her head arranging the bucket back on her head.

Remember when she said she's excited someone was going to buy all of it and save her the exhaustion?.. well now she's thinking it's a bad idea. If he's gonna buy a 130 NAIRA content and give her ONE MILLION NAIRA!.. okay maybe she's exaggerating . How much is a whole 500 naira bundle anyway?..

She closed her eyes for a briefly trying to remember if she had ever took a hold of 1000 naira. No, she hadn't. She wobbled ahead ignoring Malam Dawood's call, her mind drifting back to a day with her mom.

"Inna! Inna!! Look, someone gave me 10 naira to go and buy sweet." The little girl ran to her mother. Shoving the old 10 naira note in her face, a toothy grin plastered on her beautiful face. Her mother frowned at her and kept the hand fan she was using earlier to start fire.

"Do you know the man?" Inna Salma asked her still keeping a straight face.

"N-n-no." Maryam stuttered. She knew from the look on her mother's face, it won't end up good.

"Haven't I told you to stop accepting things from stranger?!. Do you..." Inna Salma was caught off by a salam. Turned out it was Maryam's uncle; her father's brother that gave her the money.

A tear slipped from her eyes as she quickly wipped it off.. Her mother doesn't need her tears rather she needs her prayers.

She was oblivion of the silver Sienna professionally following her.


She placed the empty bucket on the ground and collapsed beside it with a loud thud. To say she was exhausted was an understatement. The blazing sun didn't help the matter. Just in cue zee baby came out from her room yawning and stretching. She walked lazily and took a hold of a bucket obviously going for a bath.

Maryam quickly made her way to the clay pot which was close to Inna saude's room before zee baby could start giving her extra chores to do. She could hear the faint voice coming clear as she neared the room. She instantly knew it was Inna Saude and her friend Hajiya Zuwaira.

"Kina ji Zuwaira, so nake ki karbo min maganin nan in bama yarinyar nan kawai tabi uwarta." (Are you hearing me Zuwaira?, I want you to bring that medicine for me so I could give this girl,let her follow her mother). Inna saude's voice made Maryam release the tulu in her hands. It fell down with a thud and shattered into pieces.

She stood rigid, she could swear her heart stopped beating for a second. Never in her wildest dream did she think Inna Saude was capable of killing.

Capable of killing her mother...

Harming them?!! Yes.

But taking a live is whole higher level!

'Waye a nan?'.(who's there?). Inna saude made her way out to see what was happening. That made Maryam wobbled out of the house.

Far away from Inna saude...

Far away from everyone...

Far away from this timorous dunya...


Assalamu Alaikum!❣. How are we all doing?. We're good Insha Allah 😊
Yeah,I'm so sorry for the late update.
Someone has started calling me 'Anti' just to update 😂Biko I no reach that state. 😄

I've been busy with exams,shaa I've written it now so I'll be updating frequently Insha Allah .

You can only find out when you read on..😉


AishaIdris5 <3

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