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We have one more chapter before the epilogue!


They had passed the narrow pathway leading into the house before she heard it. The low, muscular voice of her father, worn out by years of endless working. He spoke three words, just enough to jerk Maryam from the cliff she had been hanging on into an emotional wreck.

"Who is there?" He had asked, the sound of his voice leading her to the room he was occupying.

Maryam pulled the curtain to the side. At last, she set her eyes on him. Malam Kabiru stood up, with little effort, knocking the silver cup containing his drinking water in the process, and glided towards Maryam.

He let out an audible gasp. His eyes betrayed the thoughts going through his mind. Malam Kabiru felt as if he was dreaming. Could it be his little one? Or was it one of his famous imagination tricking him?

His shaky hands touched her cheeks tenderly. Maryam could barely feel the warmth from his palms. It was as if he was scarred to feel her, like she would disappear into the thin air once he does.

"Baba..." Maryam croaked, bringing her hands to rest on his which are now firm against her cheeks. She stared at him, eyes glossy with unshed tears, deeply engraved with grief and so much tales to let out.

"My little one!" And she was wrapped in the gentleness of his arms, secured there by his body and soul. She listened to the sound of his heart, beating with apologies and silent vows. Then she heard the sound of sobs, grave, mournful, delightful, and she realized it wasn't just from her father, but from her as well.

It took several moments for the both of them to calm down. And they resorted to silently listening to each other's heartbeats.

"Do not leave me, ever again." Her father murmured, detaching from her just enough to look at her face for a second before clutching her again.

"I won't." She murmured back.

Maryam had no idea for how long they had stayed like that until she remembered about the two other persons she came with.

"Baba, I have not come alone, I have come with visitors." She said. Malam Kabiru glanced beyond her, he could sight no one.

"Come in!" Maryam hollered. Just in cue, Hajarah, followed by Sufyan walked into the house.

Malam Kabiru gasped, rendered utterly shocked for the second time. Finally grasping his voice, he said. "Little one, you have not brought along visitors, for these are family!"


Later on, as the sun has surrendered it's charm to the moon and the light of the day had given up to darkness, the four of them lit candles and sat surrounding the orange glow of it's flame.

It was almost quiet, but there was an unmistakable heaviness in the single voice that spoke.

"Saude was a demanding woman. She always wanted to be in control, she wants everything to go her way, and in her favour. She doesn't care what it takes to make it happen, because she will make it happen so long as it's possible. I guess that was the first red flag, and I had paid little heed to it. I pitied her then, because she was a divorcee, with two kids living under the care of her grandmother who was already frail and soon getting weaker." Malam Kabiru paused to look at his audience until his eyes landed on his daughter beside him. He could swear, for a split second, he saw his wife in her face. He gave Maryam a warm smile and with a gentle shake of the head, he continued. 

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