Chapter 1

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Isabella was in a room getting fitted for Ben's coronation. She was standing on a stool getting tailored and trying on dresses, Ben walked in.

"Benny!" Bella said excitedly. Benny was her nickname for her brother. She called him that since she was little.

"Hi Bella." Ben said back. Bella attempted to get off the stool to run over and hug Ben, but the tailor scolded her and made her stay put. She pouted. The tailor finished with Bella and told her she could get off the stool. Bella hopped off the stool and ran over to Ben and hugged him. Ben hugged her back. Bella had always loved her brother. She looked up to him. They did everything together. Even though he was much older than her, she was grateful that he still spent time with her and let her hang out with him all the time. The tailor told Ben to step on the stool. Ben walked over and got on the stool. A moment later, Belle and Adam walked in.

"Mom! Dadddy!" Bella said, running over to her parents and hugging them. They hugged her back.

"Hi Isabella." Belle said.

"Hey sweetie." Adam said. They looked at Ben.

"How is it that you're going to be king soon?" Belle said, smiling at her son.

"I have thought of my first royal decree." Ben said.

"And what might that be?" His father asked him.

"I want to bring the kids from Isle of the Lost here to Auradon." Ben said in a serious tone. Bella gasped in surprise. She looked at her father, waiting to see what he says. He wouldn't like the idea.

"What!" Adam said. "You want to bring our enemies into our kingdom?" Bella hid behind Belle. She had never liked confrontation. Belle stroked her hair.

"Just their kids." Ben said, getting off the stool.

"But son. They're our sworn enemies." Adam said.

"But their kids are innocent." Ben said.

"Whose kids would you bring over?" Belle asked.

"Well to start off. Cruella De Vil, Jafar, Evil Queen, and.." Ben hesitated before continuing. He knew his father would not who he said next. "And Maleficent."

"No." Adam said. "Not her."

"Dad!" Ben said. Bella ran out of the room, not wanting to hear the rest. She really hated confrontation and arguing, especially when it was between her family.

"They have nothing to do with what their parents did." Ben said. "They've been forced to live on an island when they've done nothing. Don't you think they deserve a second chance." Ben asked. "You should understand that."

"Fine." Adam said, storming out.

Belle looked at Ben. "Just give him some time. He'll calm down eventually." She said before walking out of the room.

Ben went to go find Bella. Bella was in the library, curled up in her favorite spot, reading a book. Reading always calmed her down. She was like her mother in that way. Ben walked into the library and found Bella on the couch.

"Hey Bella." He said.

"Hi." Bella said, setting her book down.

"Are you ok?" Ben asked as he sat down next to her.

"Yeah." Bella said.

"I'm sorry you had to hear me and dad argue." Ben said. "I know how you don't like it."

"It's ok." Bella said.

"Why don't you go change and we can go do something." Ben said. Bella looked down and saw she was still wearing the dress the tailor was making for her.

"Ok." Bella said. Ben and Bella got off the couch and went to the room that they were being fitted. Bella changed out of her dress and into her regular clothes. She hung her dress on the rack, walked out of the room, and went to go do something with Ben.

Beauty & the Beast's daughter(A Descendants fanfic book 1)[Completed]Where stories live. Discover now