Chapter 8

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After getting dressed, Bella made her way to the dining hall to meet her parents and brother for breakfast. She was excited for today, because today was Family Day. Bella always liked Family Day. It was the one day where her parents and brother didn't have any royal duties. "Good morning!" Bella said, excitedly.

"Good morning, princess." Her father said. "What's for breakfast?" Bella asked, sitting in between her mother and brother.

"Chocolate chip pancakes with eggs and bacon." Her mother said.

"Mmm." Bella said. "Sounds yummy!" The servants set the plates in front of them. Bella started eating, quickly.

"Sweetie, slow down." Belle said.

"You don't need to eat so fast." Ben said.

"I know." Bella said. "I'm just excited for Family Day."

After they all finished eating breakfast and Bella and her parents went out to the courtyard. Ben and the some of the other students had something special planned for everyone. Ben came out with some of the students and started singing a song. After he finished, he came over to them.

"That was wonderful." Belle said.

"Thanks mom." Ben said. He looked at Bella. "Did you like it, munchkin?"

"I loved it!" Bella beamed. A photographer came over to take their picture. They all stood together.

"Oh." Ben said. "I have a new girlfriend."

"That's great." Belle said. "I never liked Audrey. Too stuck up."

"Agreed." Bella said. She had a feeling that she knew who his new girlfriend was.

"Do we know her?" Adam asked.

"Kind of." Ben said. He motioned Mal over. "Mal." He said. Just then, the photographer took the their picture. Mal came over to them. "Mom, Dad." Ben said. "I'd like you to meet my girlfriend, Mal."

"Hi Mal!" Bella said.

"Hi Bella." Mal said as she smiled down at her. She looked at Belle and Adam. "It's nice to finally meet you both."

"It's nice to meet you too." Belle said. "We should invite her to join us for lunch." Ben said.

"Absolutely." Belle said, awkwardly.

"I'd love to." Mal said. "But I came with my friends."

"Well, they should come too." Belle said. "The more, the merrier."

"How about a game of croquet beforehand?" Adam asked. "Sounds good." Mal said. Ben and Mal went to go tell Mal's friends.

A few minutes later, Bella was playing with Carlos and Dude while her parents, Ben, and Mal played croquet. Queen Leah came up to Mal and started talking to her. Then, Audrey went up to them.

"I don't think you want to be talking to them, Grandma." Bella heard Audrey said. "Unless you want to take another a year long nap." Queen Leah looked at Mal.

"You! How are you here?" She said. "And how did you stay so young?"

Ben went over to them. "Queen Leah." He said. "Maleficent is still trapped on the Isle. Remember my proclamation to bring the Isle kids to Auradon."

"But they're our enemies." Queen Leah said. She looked at Mal. "I missed sixteen years of my daughter's life. She was raised by fairies, because of your mother."

Then a fight broke out between the Vk's and the other people. After a little bit, people started leaving. Belle took Bella's hand as she, her mother, and father left. She looked back at Ben just standing there as everyone walked away.

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