Chapter 4

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A few days had gone by since the VK's arrived in Auradon. Ben and Bella were sitting outside eating lunch, when they saw Evie, one of the VK's, walk by.

"Evie." Ben said, calling her. Evie turned around and saw us. "Why don't you join us for lunch." Ben suggested. Evie walked over and sat down across from them.

"Hey Ben. Hey Bella." Evie said. Bella leaned close to Ben. Since the villain kids had arrived, Bella had been a little scared of them.

"It's ok, Bella." Ben said.

"I'm not going to hurt you." Evie said. "I promise." She smiled at Bella. Bella gave a small smile back. She sat up.

"How are you guys settling in?" Ben asked.

"We're settling ok." Evie said.

"How are your classes?" Bella asked.

"They're good." Evie said. "We aren't too thrilled about Remedial Goodness, but we know we have to take it."

"I'm sure you'll get used to it and you won't have to take it forever."  Bella said.

"Yeah." said Evie. "So Bella, what do you like to do for fun?"

"I enjoy reading like my mother." Bella replied. "What about you?"

"Well, I'm into fashion." Evie said. "I sketch outfits and dresses and make them."

"Cool." Bella said. "Could I see your sketches some time?"

"Sure." Evie said.

"Me and Bella were going to go to the field and watch the cheerleaders." Ben said. "Would you like to come with us?" Evie was quiet.

"Please." Bella pleaded.

"How can I say no to such a sweet girl." Evie said.

"Yay." Bella said. They finished eating and walked over to the field. They sat on the bleachers and watched the cheerleaders. Bella watched them excitedly and intently.

"Do you want me to do your hair?" Evie asked Bella.

"Sure." Bella said. Evie started parting Bella's hair, making a french braid.

"I love cheerleading." Bella said. "I want to be on the cheerleading team, when I'm older."

"You do?" Evie asked. "That's great."

"Yeah." Bella said.

"I bet you would be a great cheerleader." Evie said.

"I hope so." Bella said. A couple minutes of silence went by. "What is the Isle like?" Bella asked Evie.

"Bella. Let's not ask that question." Ben said.

"Sorry." Bella said.

"No, it's fine." Evie said. She continued to do Bella's hair as she talked.

"The Isle is very dark and gloomy." said Evie. "Most of the time, we did what are parents told us. The four of us were sometimes miserable."

"That's horrible." Bella said.

"Yeah, it was." Evie "But I'm not so miserable now that I'm here." She finished Bella's braid. When the cheerleaders finished practice, they all got up.

"Come on Bella." Ben said. "I'm sure dinner is almost ready."

Bella looked at Evie. "Bye Evie." She said. 

"By Bella. See ya Ben." She walked in the opposite direction as them as they walked to their parents castle.

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