Chapter 17

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Chapter Seventeen:|: No more silence.

Eren lay in his room, staring at the blank wall in front of him. His heart aching to get some form of acknowledgment from Levi. Even if it was a harsh one. Said male was doing his best to avoid the omega. He didn't want to look at him, speak to him or be in the same as room as him. Petra tried to help but he Levi would change the subject or ignore her.

"Levi Ackerman! This has gone on for far too long!!" Kenny growled, his dominant pheromones filling the room.

Levi was unfazed, not caring about the disgusting scent. He only sighed and glanced to one of the guard who was cowering in fear. His eyes weren't meeting the silver, dull and boring ones. Suddenly Eren appeared next to the guard and Levi averted his gaze. Eren only frowned.

"I don't want children. I don't want anything other than to be king and kick your ass out of this kingdom." A thicker scent filled the room and Kenny stepped closer, grabbing his collar and lifting him off the ground. Levi didn't squirm, move or show anything that he was now slightly scared. Eren tensed and stepped foreword but the guard stopped him.

"Even when you are king, I will be in charge. You are nothing! Pathetic! Useless! No one would be happy to have you by their side let alone married or be a king." Levi hissed, groaning as the king threw him to the ground. Eren gasped as he watched his mat be thrown into a wall and painting landing on top of him. The painting corner hit his head, causing him to go unconscious.

"Levi!!" Emerald eyes widened as he ran towards the limp body. His chest rising up and down at an uneven pace. He slid to a stop in front of him and cradled him in his arms.

"You! You were suppose to kill him!! Why didn't you?!" Kenny's voice boomed through out the room.


"I see." He began. "You love him don't you?"

Eren didn't answer. Moving Levi's hair or of his eyes.

"You will kill him by tonight. And if you don't I'll do myself in the most painful way possible."

Tears brimmed Erens eyes and Kenny left the room. The door slamming shut and the guards standing as straight as possible, the armor clinking together as they shook slightly. It was silent as Eren took him to his own room, sighing quietly. He laid Levi in his bed and leaned down to kiss his forehead. "You know I love you..." he whispered. "I'm sorry for what you found... I really am... I hope you can forgive me... but right now... you need to run... Kenny wants me to kill you... I can't kill you..." Levi stirred in his sleep, groaning quietly.

His eyes fluttered open, silver, stormy eyes meeting emerald forest ones. "Eren..." he breathed out, reaching a hand up to caress his cheek. This action almost causing Eren to burst out in tears. He leaned into the soft hand, closing his eyes tightly. "You need to run..." Levi shook his head. "I need to stay... I can't let my uncle rule..." Eren sighed, holding his hand to his cheek.

"I can't kill you Levi."

Levi sighed. "I know."


"You need to run."

"What??" Eren stood up abruptly and shook his head. "I'm not leaving!"

The raven groaned and rubbed his temples. "If you don't kill me, Kenny will kill you. You can't stay here."

Silence filled the room, both of them staring at each other. In the matter of seconds Eren was on top of Levi and their lips clashed together. Tongues meeting and rambling together as they held the passionate kiss. One of the ravens hands was on the back of his neck and the other on his hip. "Eren..." he spoke in a husky voice.

"Yes Levi...?"

"I love you."

To be continued...

I Finally Caught You (OmegaVerse: Alpha Levi x Omega Eren) (COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now