Chapter 13

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Nate p.o.v

I love her.

I've known for a while but I didn't wanna scare her away.

I know this could go very bad if we can't separate business and pleasure, but I've thought about this for a while now and I want her. All of her.

I've planned the most perfect date for the two of us that I know she'll love.

Although we've been on a date before, it didn't exactly go the way I planned it. She didn't even stay for an hour before I managed to fuck things up.

Tonight I plan on giving her a do-over first date, how the date should've gone and how it will go tonight.


I'm supposed to be in a business meeting with Sierra for a few hours but I decide to send Alex alone as he's more then capable of handling it.

I stand in the kitchen, trying to prepare breakfast for Sierra before she wakes up. She was a little restless last night suffering from bad dreams, until she eventually settled in my arms and was out like a light. We both have a fucked up past but I'm glad fate brought us together so we can help heal eachother.

"You were up extremely early Mr Kingston." An adorable voice says from behind me.

"Shit." I mutter under my breath as I realise I've burnt the pancake again, for the sixth time. I'm fucking useless in the kitchen.

I turn to face her as she gives me a concerned look and her eyebrows thurrow in the middle creating small creases between her brows.

God I love her. Everything about her, I can't wait for her to know. Does she already?

"Im trying to be a culinary mastermind, but someone had to distract me in her very short shorts and shirt that looks a lot like the one I took off last night."

I love when she wears my clothes, they look a lot better on her. However, it's so distracting seeing her in them and I take a mindful picture everytime.

She has no idea the affect she has on me. I dream of seeing her like this every morning, in our own home.

God I'm such a girl. My self conscious mocks me.

I turn back to the pancakes to try one more time. I tip the mixture into the pan and am then graced by her amicable presence.

Her arms wrap around my torso and she plants a soft kiss onto my back where her head rests.

She can just about see over my shoulder which makes me giggle as she stands on her tiptoes to gain a closer look at the food I'm preparing.

I get distracted by her very easily.

"Need some help?" She whispers close to my ear as she trails kisses along my jaw line.

I'm lost in her touch until she swipes the spatular out of my hand and begins to flip the now made pancakes.

"I wanted to cook for you." I complain but she just smiles at me and tells me to sit down.

A few minutes later she skips towards me with a wide grin on her face and 2 plates filled with pancakes and fresh fruit.

After finishing the food and washing the dishes we finally have time to talk.

"Where's everyone?"

"Alex is at our business meeting, the rest are still sleeping."

"Business meeting? You didn't tell me about that!" She yells making my ears ring.

Loves possessionΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα