Chapter 16

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Sierra p.o.v
I woke up in a dark room with an excruciating headache. My stomach turns as I try to piece together what has happened.

I hear muffled noises as I realise my senses coming back to normal. My eyes are still slightly blurry but my sight is quickly regaining. The noises come closer as I see two figures emerge infront of me.

My hands begin to shake and my heart aches as I see him. He said I was his and that he wouldn't let me go but I didn't think he'd go this far.

Zane and another man was standing next to him. His face is familiar and I search my brain trying to remember who he is.

"Oh Good you're awake." Zane comments with a disgusting smirk on his face.

I try to speak but my throat is dry. I want to move but my hands are tied to a pole behind me.

I tug at the ropes trying to free my wrists but the burning pain was too much. A slight whince escaped my lips as a few tears managed to escape.

"Landon stay here and watch her." Zane orders.


The man from the meeting. Nates rival. Is he here in spite of Nate? Is this what the call was about?

Maybe Nates in on this aswell and that's why he wouldn't tell me. I mean he did say he was a hitman and involved with dangerous people. But would he really do this to me?

My head runs a mile a minute as all the possibilities cross my mind.

"I'm sorry." Landon whispers ensuring Zane is far enough for him not to hear.
"Kidnapping you wasn't part of the plan. He's crazy I promise I'll help you when he leaves." He continues.

"Why are you helping him?" I mutter finally finding my voice.

"I thought we were going after Nates company. I didn't think we were going to bring you into this or harm anyone. We set the penthouse on fire as a warning, just trying to scare Nate. I promise I didn't know anything about this until it was too late. I never wanted to cause harm to you Sierra I promise."

He could have been lying but the look in his eyes says otherwise. What fire? When was the penthouse on fire?

"What fire?" I whisper but am frozen when I hear Zane entering.

Landon raises his index finger to his lips silencing me.

"Landon get out." Zane orders. Landon arises and walks out, glancing back at me and mouthing a 'sorry.'

Zane drops to his knees so he's now at my level. He leans closer to me, gripping my jaw tight so that I can't move. He leans in and tries to place his lips onto mine but I quickly turn away.

This provoked him as he grabs my hair and smashes my head against the wall behind me. My vision begins to blur as Zane continues to carry out his assault. My head begins to spin. The last thing I hear makes me tremble and fear for my life.

"Lets have some fun." And just like that I find myself reliving the past. But somethings different, I don't scream and thrash around. I lay there, still, not bothering to fight any longer. I've excepted that this is my fate. I've tried to escape it once but that failed, doing it again will only hurt twice as much.


Nates p.o.v

It's been 3 days. 3 fucking days and she's still missing. I can't sleep, eat or stop my mind from thinking the worse. No matter what I will not give up on finding her. I have my men out searching for her. My tech guy is trying to locate her phone and hack Zanes security to get some kind of clue as to where he's taken her.

Loves possessionNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ