Phase 6

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“Wh-?” I attempted to form a short question, but I couldn’t quite get the word out.

I looked down to watch the nurse remove the long shot needle from my vein.

“Shh…” She spoke quietly, placing the needle back on the tray to the side. “This will help you sleep. Rest up, Skye; you’ll need your strength.”

“Huh…?” I finally managed out a full word.

The nurse took a small, but surprisingly clean, cloth and wiped off the area where I had received my most recent shot. I tried to focus my eyes on her and her actions but my vision started to become blurry, especially in my right eye.

“N…N…” I mumbled quietly, my head beginning to feel lighter.

I heard the nurse move a few more objects around beside me, and then the sound of her footsteps moving away from me.

“Sweet dreams, Skye…”


“Heart rate?”


“Blood pressure?”

“Stable, at least for now…”

I heard two very familiar voices speak near me as I began to regain consciousness.

I kept my eyes closed as I listened to the doctor’s voice speak up again beside me.

“She’s still unconscious. Check twenty-two’s condition, then.”

I heard both the nurse and doctors’ footsteps leave my side and walk towards a different area away from me. My ears picked up a sort of soft, crying sound along with the movement of a few, small objects.

“Heart rate?” The doctor’s voice echoed in a drill-like manor.

“High…” The nurse responded to him slowly and unsurely.

“Blood pressure and other signs?” The doctor prompted.

A few more objects were moved around before she could reply.

“She’s doing better.”

I felt my nose twitch, and then heard a silence in the room. I still kept my eyes shut, trying desperately to stay calm and relaxed.

“Give twenty-three something to help her wake up- she’s been out too long,” The doctor’s stern voice interrupted the quietness. Loud footsteps followed his statement, leading up to the sound of a door opening and shutting sharply.

A different kind of footsteps afterwards reproached my side. I could instantly recognize them as the nurse’s.

A small bang and a quick movement occurred by my right side, and I tried to keep my breaths down to a slow and quiet rate. A cold hand then touched my right upper arm, and I had to resist the strong urge to pull back. I felt a familiar sensation of a cold, long needle push itself into my skin.

I felt the nurse’s warm breaths above me. I also felt her slowly release the shot from my arm, along with the removal of her hand from my skin. She made another quiet bang-like noise beside me before her footsteps carried her away and  towards the door. I listened intently as she opened and shut the door similarly to how the doctor had done before her.

A cold silence fell around me.

At least until the soft crying noises came back.

I cautiously began to open both my eyes, but didn’t get far before a stinging pain shot up to my whole right eye.

A Little DeathHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin