Phase 9

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I tried to push myself up again, but I really couldn't move.

I was paralyzed.

The nurse suddenly crouched down in front of my head. I could only move my open eyeball up to see her completely; my other eye by now was entirely swollen shut.

"I think working with you will be much easier this way," She remarked, quickly looking my stiff body up and down.

I tried to move my mouth in order to form a reply, but I quickly realized that was also not possible right now.

"Don't worry, it's temporary... But, it'll last quite a while," She added shortly after. She stared at me a moment before speaking again, knowing that I couldn't respond.

"Let's go have a little fun..."

She reached down with both of her arms held out. She managed to squeeze them under my body, and slowly pulled me up. She ended up lifting me off of the ground, wrapping her arms all the way around my back as she did so. She then slowly and steadily stood herself up, holding me carefully, almost like a baby. My neck was limp, and my head drooped backwards with no support.

The nurse carried my effortlessly towards the cracked door. She kicked it open all the way with her foot, and then wedged us through the opening sideways. My head bobbed every time she took a step, so my limp neck sometimes allowed me to look in front of us. The rest of the time I could only look up at the ceiling.

As we walked through the hallway, I tried to see our surroundings between head bobs. I was searching specifically for the doctor; he wasn't anywhere to be seen, dead or alive.

The nurse ended up carrying me back to the room I had earlier woke up in. She brought me all the way back to the very chair I had sat in last time. With, almost surprisingly, a large amount of caution, the nurse softly sat my lifeless body into a comfortable sitting position in the seat in front of her.

I let my head rest against the back of the chair. My feet dangled under my body, and my arms were placed neatly in my lap.

My head's position forced my vision directly into the nurse's direction. I could already see the smirk forming on her face behind her medical mask.

I watched her place both her hands on her hips as she spoke softly to me.

"It's going to be a little difficult for you to resist anything now, isn't it?"

My one eye darted around speedily; it was the only possible way I could move, other than the occasional twitching of my mouth and nose.

I only saw part of the counter where the knives and jugs were, the cabinets above it, and the chair across the room from me, where Jasmine before had sat. The nurse then walked away from me towards the counter area. My eye instantly attached itself to her as she did so.

She made her way to the center of the counter, where all the empty jugs laid. She looked around a short moment, then reached up and opened one of the cabinets above her. I couldn't see inside the cabinet, but I was able to view her pull out a fairly large, full jug. The jug looked like it was supposed to be completely clear, but its thin coating had turned the plastic container yellow over time. The liquid inside appeared to be a white-clear color as well, even though the pitcher containing it made it look yellow, also.

The nurse carefully held the jug up by its small side handle. She placed her other hand over the white cap on the top as she turned back towards me. She cautiously began to walk in my direction, her attention completely focused on the jug in front of her.

She eventually was able to stand herself in front of me, and bent herself over to set the jug down on the floor. As soon as she stood herself back up comfortably, she looked me over slowly and asked a familiar question.

A Little DeathDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora