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Jungkook P/O/V

It's been around two weeks since Y/N joined.

I was wrong about her being dumb. She's actually really smart!

I've recently been kind enough to look out for her. This normally includes waiting for her to finish her lesson, following her to the next lesson just to make sure she doesn't get lost. I like to make sure she's eating healthy. Sometimes it can be hard to check up on her though but I try my best.

She's made a lot of friends, most of them are probably fake to be honest. Anyway because of that I've noticed she eats alone in the library whilst studying...

Obviously she likes more peaceful environments. Like me.

I'm just helping her out. She doesn't need anyone else to help her. I'm already here. Most importantly I'm not fake.

"Jungkook! Your test please"

Oh yeah. I forgot about that.

I passed the paper over to Miss who just sighed and rolled her eyes.

"Please see me after class"

Wow really?! What now?

As students left I made my way up to her desk. Folding my arms and making a face as if to say,

'Fuck with me again'

She smirked and held up five different tests from these past two weeks.

Coincidentally on every paper was a big fat zero.

"Yeah what?" I asked, impatient from all the silence.

"No, don't use that attitude with me. What's happened to your grades Mr Jeon?"

"You're normally the golden boy when it comes to tests"

I rolled my eyes, ignoring her remarks. They had no sentimental value to me.

"And what's with this new personality?"

Ha! She really is an air head.

"I've always been like this Miss, you just never pay attention"

She sighed in defeat.

Jungkook always wins.

"I'm just trying to help..." After that she waved me on with her hand.

Ugh great! Thanks to that time waster I've lost track of Y/N.

Now..where is she?

I headed off to the cafeteria and found a small table for myself.

Whilst eating I heard a wave of giggles from teenage girls as Mr so called 'perfect' Park Jimin walked in. He ran his fingers through his black hair and searched around the hall.

Great he's looking for Y/N.



Wait she is here?!

They both ran up to each other, hugging and embracing as if they hadn't seen one another in years. 

This only made me feel rage.

The way she smiles at him. Laughs at his comments. It's not fair. I'm sure i'm better than him.

I am.

So why can't I be him?

I mean, in his position.

I'm certain i'm better than all of them. Park Jimin and every other student in this freaking school. They're all fake. I'm not, I'm real and that's what Y/N needs.

She only needs me.


Why can't she see that?

Word count:488

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