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Jungkook P/O/V

Next thing to do is study for English language. Then I could do maths tomorrow...

Now just a little backstory, you see when Miss told me to 'try harder' it had been a week and my scores were still the same. So the school ended up calling my parents.

And since all my parents seem to care about are my grades I was nagged horribly as soon as I got home.

So here I am now. Studying.

Although this interfered with looking out for Y/N, I still had my ways.

I walked back to an empty desk, book in hand and started revising English grammar. At least it's quiet in the library...

"Hey Jungkook!"

What? The? Fuck?!?

I looked up and shared eye contact with a tall guy with bright red hair. Not to mention this fucking psychotic smile.


How does he even know my name? What does he want? Can he not see i'm trying to study?

"I'm having a party this Friday and I'm inviting everyone from our grade, I thought you might want to come"

Why on earth would I want to socialise with dumb, fake, unintelligent people?

"I don't think I'll be avail-!"


"Oh Y/N!"

She quietly ran over to 'Hoseoks' side and smiled widely at him.

I don't even know how to feel right now, aggravated, confused. I thought she had a thing with Jimin, seems not?

She looked over to me and I quickly lower my gaze, trying my best to keep calm. I'm nervous yet happy at the same time to see her. I just wish she wasn't so attached to that boy.

"I'm sorry Jungkook I didn't hear your answer"

I guess if Y/N is going. I need to go too. I couldn't let anything happen to her.

"Yeah, I'll be there"

Word count:304

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